Chapter 17: A Rabbit

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The day had turned to evening as the sunset ruled the sky. From Delrik's office window he could see in the far distance the lights from the festival. It was in full swing now.

Felux noticed the way Delrik had been distracted all day. It had resulted in some annoying spelling errors that Felux had to correct. They weren't small corrections either. He had had to rewrite entire documents.

Felux crept up behind Delrik and asked, "There somewhere else you'd rather be?"

Delrik turned away from the window and marched to his desk, saying, "Not at all."

Felux glanced out the window. "There's still time to join her at the festival."

"That would be..." Delrik stopped speaking. He was at a loss for words.

Felux asked, "Would be what?"

Delrik tried speaking again, "Perhaps..."

Felux asked, "Perhaps what?"

Delrik said, "Stop." He realized that Felux was leading him into a trap.

Felux asked, "Stop what?"

Delrik glared as Felux smiled. By acknowledging what Felux had said, Delrik had already admitted his desire to go. Felux knew it, Delrik knew it, and it was useless to try and back out now.

Delrik grumbled, "Let's go."

Felux celebrated his win by posing in a triumphant stance. Delrik pushed him over when he walked by.


Morc was one of the top Arquix Knights. There were even rumors of him being promoted soon. Having been given free time to enjoy the festival, he gladly took advantage to celebrate. The Spring Festival was one of his favorites and he was currently surrounded by beautiful village girls, listening in rapture at his tales of heroic battles. They were just as excited to meet the well-known knight as he was to be admired by them. For Morc, life was good.


The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. That voice sounded like Lord Delrik. His blood turned to ice as he turned to see the Duke and the Knight Commander glaring down upon him.

Morc jumped up, snapping to attention as he said, "My Lord!"

The village girls all gasped and straightened.

Delrik bore into Morc's eyes, asking, "Where is Cossaria?"

"I don't know," Morc said, "I saw her and her maid earlier." He had seen them petting the rabbits earlier that day. They looked like they were having a good time.

Delrik said, "I assigned you to be her guard tonight."

Morc swallowed. The situation looked bad. If Delrik thought Morc was in charge of the Lady and instead found him lollygagging with some village ladies, he could have him imprisoned for dereliction of duty, maybe worse.

Morc said, "I was told you assigned her two new guards."

"What?" Delrik said, "Who told you that?" It wasn't true.

Morc said, "That's just what they said when they arrived to take the spot."

Felux and Delrik exchanged a look. It wasn't uncommon for Delrik or Felux to personally give Knight's orders to switch out. In this case however, it was not so.

Felux nodded in agreement at Delrik's concern, saying, "Somethin's off."

While some might consider Delrik and Felux to be paranoid, they had both lived through enough assassination attempts not to take chances. If something seemed off in the Arquix dutchy, it probably was.

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