Chapter 6: The Red Forest

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As Felux entered the Duke's office, Delrik stood in his customary melancholy way; Staring out the window, longing for the freedom of outside yet being locked in by the weight of his responsibilities.

Felux spoke, "I'd just gotten word. Lady Cosaria's leavin this evening."

Delrik didn't move as he said, "Yes, I heard."

Felux moved closer and said, "Yer wantin to send her away like that?" Felux thought Delrik could at least insist they stayed the night. Show a bit of hospitality.

"It is for the best."

Felux asked, "You'll go to see her depart at least?"

Delrik clenched his hand into a fist. He said, "It would be best if she didn't see my face again."

It might make her cry, he thought.

Felux rolled his eyes. Delrik could be so dramatic.

Felux said, "Then I'll go myself to see them off."

At least Felux had the common courtesy to say goodbye.


The sun was setting by the time Cosaria and Tilda were waiting by the carriage, bags packed, ready to leave the castle. An awkward mood hung in the air.

Cosaria hadn't conversed with Tilda since their dispute. Tilda had tried to apologize but Cosaria just said, 'thank you', like she always did. It worried Tilda.

Tilda said, "Are you sure you want to leave tonight? It might be better to wait and leave in the morning. Then we'll be out of the Red Forest by nightfall tomorrow. If we leave tonight, we'll have to sleep in the Red Forest."

"We have to leave tonight," Cosaria said.

Tilda shrugged. She felt it wasn't worth the effort to try and argue with Cosaria over this.

Tilda said, "Okay."

That dashing foreigner Felux approached and Cosaria retreated into the carriage. He waved to Cosaria but she hadn't seen (or didn't want to see it) as she shut the door behind her.

Felux turned to Tilda and said, "I'd have liked more time. It's sad to see yer going."

"Yeah, sure," Tilda said. Of course Delrik would send out his crony to guilt trip Cosaria. She said, "That might make us feel better if it were true."

She began to climb into the passenger spot beside the coachman when Felux took her arm and held her back.

"It's true. My Lord, he's..." Felux paused, searching for the right words to describe Duke Delrik. "He's a private man."

"No kidding." Tilda said as she moved her arm away from Felux's touch. The more they talked, the more Tilda started to think they would be safer in the Red Forest than at the Arquix castle. "Bye."

Felux said, "Be careful not getting off the path in the Red Forest. There's monsters about the area."

Tilda said, "Of course. It would be ridiculous to go off the path in the Red Forest." Tilda came to the conclusion that she had more to worry about from the monsters in the castle than in the Forest.

Then the old Coachman waddled up and put his hand on Felux's shoulder. "Don't worry," he said, "I've got on me a profugio charm from the church. It keeps the monsters away."

Tilda frowned at the charm the Coachman flashed. Of course the church was selling hoaxy trinkets like that, Tilda thought as she wondered how much the man had spent. Probably a week's worth of salary.

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