Chapter 12: The Reception

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Tilda had to run some quick errands before she would be able to wait upon Cosaria at the reception in the garden. With the castle full of guests, every servant was needed for the maintenance. Tilda had been assigned to changing out the sheets in a few of the guest chambers. As Tilda headed towards the laundry hatch with arms full of old sheets she could see through the windows the guests arriving below.

They each wore such fancy outfits, all prim and proper. Tilda even spotted a lady with peacock feathers. Commoners would never be allowed such fashions.

Tilda arrived at the laundry hatch. She opened the cover and dropped the laundry down the hatch as she announced, "Load coming down!" The sheets fell down to the first floor and landed in the laundry room. Tilda had to appreciate whoever designed the castle. It was both functional and practical.

Then she took a moment to look out the window into the servant's courtyard. Maids and servants were busy bodying their way around, hanging up sheets, scrubbing fabrics on washboards. It was grueling work. You'd never find someone like the peacock lady doing tasks like these.

Tilda sighed as she remembered Cosaria's words, "It just doesn't seem right for you to get treated differently."

Only she would have the luxury to think that way, Tilda thought, She doesn't even realize how different we are.

Tilda couldn't stop herself from comparing:

Cosaria with a multitude of dresses made from the most expensive fabrics, designed by the top tier designers and in the most luxurious fashions. It could take her hours to get ready in the morning.

          Versus Tilda, with her simple maid's outfit; A black frock with a white apron.

Clothes, food, duties, even the things we worry about, Tilda thought, It's all different. 

Cosaria, surrounded by fake nobles trying to butter their way into her life in search of higher status and position.

          Versus Tilda, gossiping in the servant commons with the maids over frivolous, "who do you like" conversations.

Cosaria, being abused by her noble family.

          Versus Tilda, having a roast duck with her commoner family, all laughing and joking together.

Dozens of jewels and accessories being showered upon Cosaria.

          Versus Tilda, owning nothing fancier than a simple wooden bead bracelet with butterflies painted on it.

Cosaria, entrapping the obsessive affection of the brooding, cold and mysterious Duke Delrik.

          Versus Tilda and the bright Knight Felux, who openly showed special attention in obvious and healthy ways. Being around him was like being around sunshine.

Tilda smiled.

Honestly, I wouldn't change it for anything.


In the castle gardens the Duke and Duchess Arquix stood side by side greeting their guests.

Sauntering up, with the airs of great pageantry, was the Baxarte family. They clearly felt they had the upper leg in this public setting. Little did they know, Delrik cared less about public settings than he did private.

Lady Baxarte spoke first, "My precious Cosaria. How beautiful you look. And the ceremony was so exquisite."

Lord Baxarte agreed, "Yes, quite indeed."

Manipulation leaked through Lady Baxarte teeth as she said, "My dear, I'm so worried about you, starting your new life here. I was thinking we would stay a few more days, just to help you adjust. Isn't that what you want? Wouldn't that help you?"

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