Group Partners

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"Guess what happened yesterday."

"Hm? You bought another ticket from a random girl on the street?"

"No! Kita came to the art club room yesterday, we talked about the concert and I somewhat asked if she wanted to join the club, and she said she was willing to join!"

"Aw, that's nice. You finally got a club going!"

"Heh, yeah. You should come one of these days. We all need to unite."

"I know right? Don't worry, there'll be a time I'll be free to hang out."

She looks at me with a cheeky grin.

"Ready for the field trip?"

"Oh yeah, the camping trip! I forgot that was happening. We'll need 2 other people from our class for our group. Got any ideas to who?"

"I have a few but I'm not that close with them, they might have other people in mind. Ugh, most of my friends are on the volleyball team! We might be in a pickle..."

She sighs.

"Don't worry, I'll try to find someone! It's only two other people. We can figure something out. You excited about the trip?"

"Of course! We're gonna go hiking, fishing, and singing songs by the campfire!"

"That's a little too much outside for me."

"Oh it'll be fun. Nature is a beautiful thing."

Wait a second. I could use this trip to get closer to Suzuki. We're gonna be spending a lot of time together for those 3 days. Hiking together, fishing together, eating by the campfire. Maybe something could happen between us in that time...


After school ends, I head to the art club room and wait for the two.

I wonder what time Kita will get here-

"Kita has arrived!"

I look over at the door to see Kita walking inside looking happy and extroverted as ever.

"Hey, Kita!"

She smiles and throws up a little peace sign.

"Hey! Mitsuya isn't here yet?"

"Nope, it usually takes him a bit to get here."

"I see."

She takes a seat across from me at the table I was sitting at.

"Whatcha usually do when you're here?"

"Mostly draw with Mitsuya and occasional small talk. He seems to enjoy being here. I just wish it was more lively."

Kita chuckles.

"Yeah, he's a quiet person. But when I talk to him he always seems happy to chat."

"Maybe because you're super friendly."

Kita chuckles.

"I guess so!"

"Say, Kita, how are you so outgoing? It's like you can get along with anyone."

Kita smiles brightly.

"Well, I just love talking to people! It's always so fun getting to know new people. What about you?"

"Eh, that isn't really my thing. I mean I don't mind talking to people, but being that friendly isn't my thing."

"I see. I get it, most people say that to me heh. Oh yeah that's right!"

A Girl Worth a Thousand Words (Kita X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now