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For the next two weeks, me and Kita would make all sorts of plans to get closer to Ryo and think of ideas for the art club during the holidays. It came to the point where our routine was after club I'd go to Kessoku Band's rehearsal every single day, take Kita home, and on weekends we'd meet up at a café. It's been really fun. Reminds me of the times me and Suzuki would hang out together all the time back in middle school.

"This is so tasty!" Kita says while sipping on her frappé.

"You know I never knew there were all these types of coffee. You really put me on to this stuff."

Kita gives a cheeky smile.

"Hehe I sure did! Stuff like espresso is always good to me, but some other types of coffee can be really good! They're all great drinks to have while chatting."

"Yeah, you're right. Mocha lattes are my favorite. I love the chocolate syrup in it. How's progress been with Ryo?"

"It's been okay, I guess. I don't wanna make too many moves to seem obvious. I did ask her to practice with just the two of us as you recommended. But I don't think she sees me in any special way. Who knows if she even likes girls..."

"Wait! Why not ask what her sexuality is? Don't make it obvious but find a way to bring it up smoothly."

Kita's eyes light up.

"You're right! I think that will work! But... what if she says she's straight?"

"Well... there's nothing you can do about that. You'll have to accept that."

Kita frowns and looks towards the ground.

"I'm scared now. The truth is scary."

"I know, but you'll never know unless you find out. And if she doesn't like you it's okay. You'll find the right person for sure eventually."

"But... what if I won't be able to get over the rejection? I don't know I'm just afraid of how much it'll hurt. You seemed so sad when Suzuki-chan turned you down."

"Well, part of it was also cuz she was moving. But yeah, the rejection hurt a ton. But what helped me get back up and keep moving was you. So, I'll be here too if you get rejected and sad. We'll both find our future soulmate!"

Kita smiles.

"You're right. I have you with me. Even if she turns me down it's not the end of the world. It will still hurt a lot so if that happens just... let me be able to talk to you."

I smile.

"Of course, Kita."


The next day at school Suzuki, Gotoh, and I sit together to eat lunch like usual.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Suzuki asks Gotoh with a smirk.

"Boyfriend? B-But I don't have one."

"I'm talking about Zenki silly!"

Suddenly her face turns red.

"W-What? Z-Zenki-kun? We're not together or anything. W-Were just friends!"

 W-Were just friends!"

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