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"What makes you decide to meet up at a place like this?"

A few days ago Kita asked to meet up at a café. I was down since I wasn't doing anything this Saturday. She never went into detail as to why she wanted to talk with me in the first place.

What's with her outfit...

She wore one of those disguise masks. The one with the glasses, eyebrows, and the infamous big nose. She looks pretty goofy if I'll be honest. She sips her latte and eventually speaks.

"Well, we're partners in crime after all. So, I thought we'd have a meeting!"


"Oh come on! At least play along for a bit!"

"Alright alright fine. Is that really why you wanted to meet up?"

"Partially. I wanted to discuss the next move. But I was also pretty bored and had nothing to do this weekend, so I thought maybe you'd be free to hang out heh."

Ah I see now.

"That's surprising to me."

"Really? Whyzat?"

"You have a lot of friends so I thought you'd always have something to do."

"Well I was gonna ask some friends, but we've never hung out before so I decided to ask you."

How nice of you.

"I see. If only Suzuki-chan asked to hang out with me."

"Why not just ask her?"

"I mean I could, but I don't wanna annoy her. Why not ask to hang out with Ryo?"

Kita blushes slightly.

"Well I could, but I don't wanna annoy her..."

We both look at each other for a quick moment and start laughing.

"Welp, we're both dealing with the same situation."

"I know right!"

"Well, for now, the camping field trip is coming up so I could make a move then. You should ask to hang out with Ryo. Make it a little related to music or something. I think that won't make it seem as weird. That's what I did when I asked Suzuki-chan to go see your guys's concert. I tried to make it sound like a friendly hangout."

"You're right! I should do that. Maybe we could go to a concert. That would be fun! Can I ask you something Y/N?"

"Sure, what's up?"

She takes off her disguise mask and looks at me with a more serious face.

"Why do you like Suzuki-chan?"

"Well... that's uh, where do I start? I've known her since middle school. She's just a great friend to be around. She's like my buddy. She's a great listener too. I feel comfortable around her, I feel able to tell her how I'm feeling. She's also really beautiful heh. I'm surprised she doesn't have a boyfriend yet."

"Maybe because she likes you! She's waiting for you to tell her!"

"No, I don't think she likes me. We've actually never talked about that sort of stuff. She only seems to see me as a friend."

Kita looks at me with a mischievous grin.

"Well, if you make a move, it'll show you if she's into you or not."

"Yeah... I'm just nervous. This is someone I've known for years."

"I get it. I'm nervous too. You're not alone. We both can do this!"

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