Follow Your Heart

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Kita and I walk together to her band rehearsal. It was at the point of the day when sunset was almost starting.

"Oh wait!"

She suddenly stops and looks at me in complete disbelief.

"I forgot to bring my guitar!"

"HUH? What does that mean then?"

"I'll have to get it at my house. Guess we're going to my place first! Sorry!"

"Oh no, it's no worries. I don't mind walking."

Kita smiles.

"Okay, if you say so."

Kita's house.

This will be my first time over there. I wonder what it'll look like. Now when I think about it I've never been to a girl's house besides Suzuki's place back in early middle school.

"Your parents home?" I ask.

"Nope. They're at work right now."

"Ah, I see. How are they like?"

"Mmmm, my mom's pretty serious and is quite overprotective. It's better she's not home because if she was she would've asked me so many questions about why a boy came over haha! She overthinks too much."

"I... see..."

"But at the end of the day, she just wants the best for me. Could you wait outside actually? I really wanted to show you my room, but I don't want her to suspect anything." She says with a big frown.

"Oh alright, no worries. There will be another time for sure. I'm always free on weekends so don't feel afraid to hit me up."



Kita walks inside her house while I wait at the front.

It's huge...

Guess her family's rich. A few minutes later she comes back with a guitar case in hand.

"I'm back! Did I take long?"

"Oh no, you were actually quick."

"Sweet! Let's make our way to Starry! We might be a little late."

"Starry? Wasn't that the place you guys performed at?"

"Yep! We usually go there to meet up and head to a practice studio nearby."

"I see. I'm excited."

Kita smiles brightly.

"Me too! I wanna show you how awesome our band is! Gotoh-san's amazing at guitar. And Ryo-senpai looks so cool and hot when she plays bass!"

"I find Ryo to be pretty odd."

Actually no she's not odd. She's weird.

"But that's what makes her so cool and mysterious! She makes me squee! Can you try to get close with her today and see what she thinks of me please?"

She looks at me like a little puppy causing me to crack a smile.

"You know I will."


Around thirty minutes later we reach Starry. The staircase and the big sign remind me of the time I was here with Suzuki. We walk inside and head down the stairs. The vibes from last time weren't here at all. The lights weren't dimmed and no loud music could be heard. Almost empty even.

A Girl Worth a Thousand Words (Kita X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now