The Culture Festival!

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"You're moving?!"



"A little after the culture festival."

Which is in 2 days.

Kita explained to the crew what she said to me this weekend.

"I... see..." Suzuki frowns.

"B-But it'll be okay! Y/N said he won't let that happen. And I trust him! I think if me and Kessoku Band sound really good my mom will let me stay. I hope..."

"I think you will sound amazing. And I think Y/N and Suzuki can agree on that too. You're a friend of ours, a member of the art club. I'll do my best to help you stay here."

"Me too! I'll do anything in my power!"

Kita puts her hand on her mouth and smiles.

"Thank you all! You guys are so sweet!"

"It's nothing. You are our friend after all." I tell her.

She smiles brightly.


After we all got settled Kita showed us all the cover art she made for the volumes. The covers were of the two main characters, Kenji, and Mitsuki in different places. The first volume was them in a deserted Shibuya, the second volume was them at Mitsuki's abandoned school, and the last one was at the mountain where they confessed.

"Wow, these are great! You've come a long way with your art."

"Really? That's good then!"

"I like the details." Mitsuya states.

"Same! Look at you becoming a little artist!" Suzuki says.

"Hehe! I wanted to put as much detail and thought into it as possible. A picture is worth a thousand words!"

"You're right about that. Welp, all that's left is a name."

"What about the name Us?" Suzuki suggests.


"Mhm! Like it's only us in this world in the characters' perspective."

"Hmm, I see. I like that name. It's quite simple. What do you guys think?"

"It's fine with me. What about you Kita?"

"I like it. But... what about something like, The Girl at the End of the World? Remember when Kenji didn't meet Mitsuki at first? He thought he was the only man alive and he thought the world was over. But once he met Mitsuki everything changed. And when he noticed how beautiful she was he said it was like looking at a painting remember? They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But in that scene from Kenji's perspective, it was like a girl worth a thousand words."

A girl worth a thousand words...

"S-Sorry for rambling! But that's why I think The Girl at the End of the World would be a cool name. Because Kenji met Mitsuki when he thought the world was over."

"I like that name a lot." Mitsuya states.

"Same here! That's way better than what I came up with."

Kita chuckles.

"Oh no! Your title was cool!"

"I mean but compared to yours?! Say, Kita, you seem to really like Y/N's story."

A Girl Worth a Thousand Words (Kita X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now