Girls Day Out

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Back to school. The first day back was quite a pain. Instead of sleeping in every day I now have to wake up bright and early again. The school day felt a bit dead, I'm guessing since no one wants to be here after a nice long break.

Once lunch came around Suzuki, Gotoh and I sat together like usual, chatting about how our break was.

"So you just sit in your room and play guitar all day?" Suzuki asks Gotoh.

She nods.

"Y-Yes! I need to practice at all times."

"Say, do you ever go out?"

"N-Not really besides band rehearsal."

Suzuki gasps.

"What?! Girl, we need to hang out ASAP! You should come to my house this weekend. My sister's cooking is amazing!"

Gotoh's eyes light up.

"R-Really? I can come over?"

"Of course! We're friends after all."

"Y-Yay! Thank you!"

"Why didn't you tell me she never goes out?!" Suzuki whispers in my ear.

"I mean she seemed fine with it! I wanted to let her have her space."

Suzuki lets out a sigh and shakes her head.

"Sheesh Y/N. You need to put more of an effort into hanging out with people."

"I do! I hung out with Kita in Shibuya yesterday."

Suzuki's eyes widen slightly.

"Huh? Really?"

Her surprised expression slowly turns to an evil grin.

"Hmmm is that so?"

"Yeah, she bought me manga as a Christmas present."

"She did?! Awww! That's so sweet of her. Just get together already!"

"Y-Yeah!" Gotoh says out of nowhere.

"HUH?! Why are you agreeing with her Gotoh-san?! I don't like her in that sort of way!"

Gotoh frowns like a little puppy.

"B-But you two seem to like hanging out a lot. I-I think she might like you!"

"What no, she likes Ryo remember? We may be close but that's because we are good friends. We do not like each other in a romantic way. It is all platonic. Therefore, that is why me and Kita will not get together.

"You didn't need to sound so professional about it."

"You didn't need to start all of this!"

"But what I said is true! You two will be good together! Even Nee-chan agrees with me!"

"Yui's opinion doesn't matter! She likes romance way too much!"

"Just admit it! You like Kita! I see the way you two look at each other. You may not believe me, but you'll realize soon enough-"

"What's going on here man?"

We all look up to see Zenki.

"Oh hey, Gotoh-chan!" He says with a smile.

"H-Hi..." Gotoh says while blushing.

Suzuki squints her eyes and looks at the two for a long while.

"What brings you here Zenki?"

"I heard a bunch of yelling over here. So here I am now! What were you talking about-"

A Girl Worth a Thousand Words (Kita X Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora