Just a Friend

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For the next few days, I kept on thinking about what happened on Christmas. I can't get her out of my head since that day. When we reached our destination on the train I woke her up and she seemed totally fine about resting her head on my shoulder. She didn't think I was weird or creepy.

Guess she's comfortable around me.

She seemed totally cool with holding hands too. I mean I didn't mind too but... I don't know. She hugged me too. I could feel my heart beating loudly during those moments. It makes me nervous, but at the same time, it makes me really happy. Ugh I don't know anymore!

When will you get out of my head?


For the next few days nothing happened. I spent most of my time over Christmas break drawing anime characters in my new sketchbook.

What should I draw now? I don't feel like using any references. Let's be creative!

But it was at this moment Kita came up to my head.

Would she get weirded out If I drew her?

No, I don't think she will. I'm just overthinking stuff. Which is weird, I don't usually do that. I spent the next two hours drawing Kita from memory. I drew the outfit she wore on Christmas. I thought the outfit was kinda cute. I put a lot of detail into her eyes and hair. Whenever I see her I always notice those parts of her the most. Her eyes are always so bright, like you can just tell she's an extrovert. And her hair always smells good.

I finished up the drawing, I drew her in her Christmas outfit, smiling while throwing a peace sign. There was something about the drawing I noticed but I couldn't quite describe it.

It looks just like her. But she looks... beautiful. Maybe that's what it is.

Suddenly the sound of my phone rings. To my surprise it was Kita.

What the hell? What a coincidence. It's like she knew I drawing her this whole time or something.

"Hey Y/N! How've you been?"

"I've been alright. Just staying in the house. What about you?"

"Same! I haven't been doing much. Wanna hang out tomorrow? Tomorrow's the last day of Christmas break. I wanna get you something before school starts!"

"Alright! I can hang out tomorrow. Wanna go back to Shibuya?"

"Yep! Is 2 PM a good time?"

"Fine with me. I'll see you then!"

"Mhm! I'll see you then! Can't wait! Bye!"

After saying that she hung up the phone.

Well, I have plans tomorrow now.


I make my way to the train station to meet up with Kita. I put a little more effort into doing my hair and made sure I had good hygiene. I wonder if she'll wear the necklace. I hope she does...


I could feel someone poking my cheek. I turn to my right to see Kita with a cheeky smile.

"Hey! Were you waiting long?"

A Girl Worth a Thousand Words (Kita X Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن