More Than Meets the Eye

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"Can we talk Kita?"

"Oh sure!"

During art club I decided to inform her on what happened a few days ago since it was only me and her in the room.



"... Yes ..."

Kita frowns.

"You need to step up your game! Boys are falling for her now."

"I know... it's just... so hard. I don't wanna lose this friendship we have."

Kita nods understanding my pain.

"I get it. But if you really want to be more than friends then this is your chance. You might never get this chance again. Don't worry, if worst comes to worst, I'll try my absolute hardest to fix your guys' relationship."

"Thanks, that helps a bit with my nerves."

Kita smiles sweetly.

"No need to thank me. We're friends after all!"

You're the lucky one here. Ryo doesn't seem popular at all, so you have all the time in the world to confess to her.

Kita's a good friend though. I've never had any sort of "wingman" before. I like this sort of friendship we have.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick."

"Oki doki!"

I get up and leave the art club room and head to the bathroom. But before I can do my business I hear the sound of a guy yelling as if it was the end of the world.


The guy had blonde spiky hair and black eyes and appeared to be around my height.

"Uhhh you okay?"

He snaps his head towards me.

"NO! Does it look like I'm okay to you??? I'm over here dealing with my loneliness. Don't mind me. Wait a second..."

He looks at me for a long while and his eyes light up as if a switch was turned on in his head.

"You're Y/N! We have classes together."

"We do? Oh... yeah you're right. If I'm not mistaken you're Zenki."

I often see him trying to flirt with girls in class but it fails miserably.

He puts his hands on his hips and puffs out his chest.

"That's me! You're friends with Suzuki-chan if I'm not mistaken. Must be nice..."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"You're friends with a cute girl dude! I'm real jealous man."

"Ah well, you probably would be friends with a girl if you didn't act so damn desperate."

"It's a cruel world out here man! Everyone finds me annoying! I just want a girlfriend! That's all!"

"Ah, well I'm kinda in the same situation as you."

Zenki looks at me with a mischievous grin

"WHAT? Really? You tryna get with Suzuki-chan is that it?"


"Yep I knew it."

"You better not do anything about it."

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