The Necklace

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"I didn't think you'd come back so soon! Missed me that much Munchkin?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What's up?"

I'm at Suzuki's house today to ask Yui about something I think she would be knowledgeable about.

"Well first off, is Suzuki-chan home?"

"Nope! She's at the store getting a few things. Let me guess, you're thinking of getting her a gift for this Christmas?"

"Well yeah."

"I knew it! This is like last year all over again!"

"But it's not just about Suzuki-chan. I was also wondering what would be a good gift for Kita. I'm not a girl and I have no idea what she'd like."

A grin grows on her face.

"Oh, I see. How sweet of you to give a gift to your friend Kita."

"I just wanna show her my gratitude for her. She's a great person."

"Do you like her?"


She looks at me with a rather serious face instead of her usual playful look.

"Do you like her?"

"Well yeah, she's a great friend."

"No, I mean do you have feelings for her? She seems to make you really happy. She's a beautiful girl too."

"Well yeah... she does make me happy. And I would be lying If I said she wasn't cute... We've been hanging out together all the time. It's been really fun. I love hearing her sing. She has such a beautiful voice. I feel really comfortable around her. But no... I don't like her that way. She's just a friend!"

She closes her eyes and smiles.

"Alright. I'm just surprised you're giving a gift to a girl that's not Hino. But about the gift, it depends. Do you want it to be something she can use for a while, or something to remind her of you, or do you just want to make her happy?"

"I want it to be something that'll make her happy. I want her to remember it was from me to show how much I care about our friendship."

"I see. In that case, let's head to the mall! I'll text Hino saying I stepped out for a bit."


The two of us walk together to the closest mall. It's been a long time since it's just been me and Yui. Around this time last year, we went to the mall so I could get Suzuki a gift for Christmas, which ended up being the purple purse since Yui said Suzuki wanted one for some time.

"So whatchu thinking of getting Munchkin?"

"I don't know."

"I heard she's in a band if I'm not mistaken. Why not something music related?"

"Hmm I could do that but I don't listen to a ton of music, so I don't know what she'd find cool or not. Maybe make up stuff? I'm not the best at this sort of stuff..."

"Don't think too hard about it. Remember, just getting her a gift in the first place would make her really happy don't you think?"

"Yeah, you're right. As long as she's happy then I'm happy too."

Yui smiles.

"Why not hang out with her on Christmas?"

"I was thinking of doing something like that. I wanted to hang out with the art club on Christmas. I'll have to let them know soon."

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