A new job

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My heart pounded painfully in my chest as my boots hit against the sandy ground with a continuous rhythm. My gun hit painfully against my hip as I tried to keep a steady but fast pace. My lungs were burning as I desperately gasped for air.

The only sound I could hear over my heavy breaths and aggressive heart beats was the ocean waves lapping at the sandy shore to my left. I probably would have drowned it out if it weren't for the oncoming storm.

The man a few feet ahead of me kept glancing over his shoulder, almost tripping himself up in the process. I couldn't help but wish that he would. It would make my job a little easier if he would fall face first into the sand.

My foot stumbled slightly as I stepped on a particularly loose section of sand. Running on the beach was unsurprisingly difficult, it would be easier if the unsub would just run closer to the high tide, at least the sand was wet and solidified over there.

The man up ahead turned his head once again, the whites of his eyes shined like spotlights in the dark. While he was looking fearfully back at me, he wasn't watching his footing. I couldn't deny the relief that washed through me as he caught his foot on a piece of long seaweed and tumbled forward onto the ground.

I ran the remaining few feet and skidded to a halt just behind the man who was sprawled out on the beach. I collapsed onto my knees and immediately grabbed both of his arms, twisting them around his back to keep him from getting up again. The man grunted loudly and cursed loudly at me, but I couldn't get any words out yet, my lungs were still burning.

I pulled the handcuffs off of my belt and locked them around the man's wrists. After a few moments of catching my breath, I finally managed to speak to the man who was now in the custody of the FBI.

"Micheal Johnson, you are under arrest. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." I stated firmly as the rest of my team finally managed to catch up to us. I sat back as my unit chief took over from me, letting out a big sigh as I was still trying to catch my breath again.

"Think you should hit the gym, Nat." My friend and colleague, Bobby said with a light laugh.

"Funny." I stated with a roll of my eyes. Bobby stepped up beside me and lent her hand down towards me.

I smiled up at her and took a hold of her outstretched hand, allowing her to help me up on my feet. At this point, all I really wanted to do was to go back home and get a good night's sleep. Exhaustion was beginning to tug at me as we made our way back down the beach again.


The wooden door softly clicked open as I pushed down the metal handle. I knocked gently to announce my presence to Mathew Bernard, my team's unit chief. Once I stepped inside the office, I was greeted with a kind smile from the man.

"Natasha. Take a seat." He gestured to the two chairs that sat directly across from his chair on the opposite side of his desk.

"Is everything okay, sir?" I asked with furrowed brows as I sat down. I couldn't help but feel slightly nervous at being called into his office. Was I in trouble for something? I can't even think of something that I had done wrong but maybe I had and not realised it.

"Everything's fine. I have some good news for you." Mathew said. I sat up slightly, intrigue now mixing in with the nervousness that still sat in my chest.

"The BAU unit chief, Aaron Hotchner, has asked for you to join his team. He's got a new position open and he wants you for the job." Mathew said. I couldn't really read his expression as it was guarded and professional.

"Really?" I questioned in surprise. Aaron Hotchner had asked for me? It came as a surprise even though it probably shouldn't. I was already a trained profiler, and Hotch and I had worked together once before.

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