The eye is the window to the UnSub

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After an excruciating couple of minutes, the victim opened her eyes again. The camera was back on and she wasn't dead. But we don't know how much time we have to save her before the UnSub actually kills her.

Spencer, Alex and I stood in front of the board that was covered in information. "If he wanted to kill Sam, he had every chance to do it, but instead he let Sam go. Both of these victims are significant to him." Spencer said

"It's like he's playing a game, not just with us, but with all of them." Alex said

"If it isn't sexual but still has incredible stakes to him, maybe it's familial. He could be related to one of them." Spencer said

"He's not just punishing her, he's torturing her family." Alex said

"He put it on the internet, he wants to make sure they will see it." I added


"Garcia, we need the location of every cell tower where the signal's bouncing." Hotch said into the phone. The UnSub has taken the victim for a walk, leading her out the door that had a multitude of locks.

"That's a lot, sir, but I'm sending them now." Garcia said.

"What about the name Dani? Does it cross with Sam in any way?" Alex asked, referring to the name Sam had tried to give us, courtesy of Derek's alphabet board.

"There's a Dana Harris. It's not Dani, but he's called Dana Harris a dozen times and she is on a student visa at Johns Hopkins and, oh, my god, she's from Berlin." Garcia said

"Does she have any connection to Baltimore other than school?" Spencer asked

"Digging. Yes, yes. Her father is a partner at Strauss and Harris commercial real estate. They specialize in converting warehouses in port cities all over the world. They own one in northern Baltimore. And wouldn't you know it? There's a cell phone tower right by there that that signal is bouncing from." Garcia said

"What's the address?" Hotch asked

"Sending it to your phones now." Garcia said

The team very quickly got strapped up into FBI bullet proof vests and climbed back into the black SUV that was parked outside the police station. I had to sit in the middle in between Alex and Spencer as we drove towards the warehouse where the UnSub could be.

Alex had an iPad on her lap, still watching the victims eye camera in case anything changed. Garcia was on speaker phone, patched in through with every team member. There was an earpiece in my left ear so I could keep in contact with the team. It was a familiar feeling.

"There she is. That's definitely Dana." I looked down at the screen on Alex's lap to see a girl, Dana, staring at herself in the window of a van. "I've got eyes on her. She's getting into a white van." Garcia said over the phone.

"Why would he want us to see where they're going?" Cruz asked

"Because he's arrogant. It's the end of his plan and we're part of it." Hotch said

"Garcia, we think the UnSub could be related to Sam or Dana." Alex said

"The Harris family has a son, Anton, 29. History of violent outbursts had him bouncing between boarding schools all over Europe."  Garcia said

"While Dana stayed close to home." Alex said

"How'd you know?" Garcia asked

"He blames Dana for his rejection and abandonment issues." Alex explained

"It's a classic universal wound. Left untreated and combined with psychopathic urges, the trauma led to extreme aggression." Spencer said

"And a desperate need for attention." I added

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