Drowning in the desert

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I could have flinched at the crime scene photos that Penelope pulled up on the screen, if I wasn't already uncomfortably used to seeing it, I might have closed my eyes. It had to be the worst part of this job, having to look at some of the worst parts of humanity.

"The bodies of two unidentified women were found in the desert uh, just outside of the good doctor's hometown, Las Vegas. They were stripped of their ID. One looked like she was killed yesterday, the other a couple of weeks ago." Penelope said

"According to the M.E. Report, both women were in their 30s, and...is this cause of death right?" Derek asked in confusion

"Yes, and I have confirmed it. Both women drowned." Penelope stated

"Huh." I hummed quietly, feeling confused as to how that even happened

"How far is the nearest body of water?" Rossi asked

"The Hoover dam, Lake Mead, like 60 miles." Penelope said

"So we're looking at a disposal site. Were they sexually assaulted?" Alex asked

"No, but they did both suffer blunt force trauma and severe antemortem abrasions to their wrists and ankles." Penelope said

"That means they were most likely held somewhere before they were killed." Spencer said

"Or maybe they were bound so they could be tortured with water." JJ said

"She's right. We can't rule out waterboarding or being held underwater in a pool or a bathtub, it's possible this UnSub's a sadist." Rossi said

"The woman killed yesterday was wearing a uniform. She could have been a waitress or a maid." Derek suggested

"There are 93 hotels in Las Vegas, 260 motels and inns, 1,510 bars, and 2,996 restaurants. Not to mention nearby Summerlin, which is growing in popularity." Spencer said. I always love the fact that he just knows so much, I'll never get tired of it.

"Well, the local P.D. Has ruled out the major establishments. They're combing through the smaller ones now to see if they can find a match." Penelope said

"The other Jane Doe was pretty decomposed. Clothing looks ordinary. Is that a fanny pack she's wearing?" Rossi asked

"Yes, and it was empty." Penelope said 

"The UnSub must have emptied it." I said

"It means she was probably a tourist, though." Alex said

"Last year Las Vegas documented 39,727,022 visitors." Spencer said

"No other place has better surveillance software." JJ said

"Garcia, contact Vegas P.D and ask them to start going through hotel and casino surveillance video from three weeks ago, and tell them we'll be there in four hours. Let's go." Hotch said

"Yes sir." Penelope said.


"This is the second time we've been dragged out into a desert for a case." I huffed as we walked across the hard desert ground.

"And I doubt it will be the last." Spencer said. He then walked ahead of us, heading towards the crime scene with a quickened stride.

"The owners don't like it, but there's not much they can do about it. Bored teenagers party and drink here. Vagrants come out to collect the empty beer bottles and cans. So this location actually gets a lot of visitors. More than you'd expect in the middle of the desert." The Sergeant said as she walked alongside JJ and I.

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