Spencers scary side

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The sun was hidden by the overcast of clouds above Washington DC. The streets were bustling with people going about their daily business. A small child dressed as a pumpkin wandered past with his parents, making me smile lightly. I came to a halt on the sidewalk as Echo stopped to sniff at a tuft of grass that seemed very interesting to him.

"Nat?" A familiar voice called out from behind me. I turned my head to see Penelope Garcia walking towards me, dressed as colorful as usual. Spencer Reid was trailing along behind her, his arms full with brown paper bags.

"Hey, Penelope." I said with a smile. She grinned back brightly but her gaze was set solely on my 3 year old golden retriever.

"Oh, my god. Whose this!" She exclaimed excitedly as she bent down to pet Echo.

"This is Echo." I said with a smile as Penelope cooed over him. Echo's tail was wagging fiercely as he tried to lick her face.

"He is so precious. I love him. I didn't know you had a dog." Penelope said

"Yeah, I've had him since he was a puppy." I said with a smile

"I would pet him, but my arms are full." Spencer said from behind the three full bags.

"Do you need a hand?" I asked him with a sympathetic laugh

"No, no. I'm good." Spencer said earnestly as he adjusted his grip

"Are you sure?" I asked him

"Yeah. Thank you, though." Spencer said

"We were just headed to my place, do you want to come with? Dogs are very welcome." Penelope said

"Sure. Yeah." I agreed

"Great." Penelope said with a bright smile. The three of us began to walk down the street. I followed Penelope and Spencer, not knowing where is was that she lived.

"So, what is all this for?" I asked

"My party next week." Penelope replied

"Oh, of course." I nodded. Penelope had invited the whole team over for a party at her apartment. It will be my first social gathering with the team, which should be fun. It will be nice to hang out with them outside of work.

It didn't take us long to make it to Penelope's apartment. She unlocked the front door to let us in, stepping in through the door first.

"Thank you. Okay, just put everything on the counter and I will put it away later." Penelope said to Spencer as he stepped inside behind her.

"I like your altar." Spencer said as he looked into her apartment. I stepped in after him, allowing Penelope to close the door behind us.

"Thank you." Penelope said

I glanced around Penelope's apartment. It was just as I had imagined it would look like. It was extremely colourful and happy, like a larger, more extravagant version of her office at work. Echo was sniffing around intensely, excited about the new smells and new environment.

"Yeah, there's still a lot to do before the party next week and I'm scared. I've never had the whole team here before." Penelope said. Spencer had placed the bags on the counter and began to unpack them. It made me smile lightly since Penelope said she would put it away later.

"Why are you doing a day of the dead theme?" Spencer asked

"Well, um, my stepfather's family always made a big deal of it in Mexico, and my name is Penelope Garcia after all, so..." Penelope trailed off awkwardly. "Hey, could you check my refrigerator and see if I have enough hot sauce?" She asked Spencer, seemingly changing the subject. She then looked at me. "You can let Echo off his leash, if you want."

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