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The light on the lift door illuminated softly as I stood in front of the closed door. My shoes tapped on the shiny tiled floor as I shuffled on my feet, waiting for the lift to finally arrive. Hotch had called us all in today, something about an amber alert, which was never good. I stifled a yawn as it was around 1:30 am.

"Good morning." A voice said from behind me. I turned my head to see Dr Spencer Reid approaching me from behind. He came to stand beside me, also waiting for the lift.

"Morning. If you can even call it that. How was your day off?" I asked him

"It was good. I reread pride and prejudice as well as Percy Jackson." Spencer said

"That's an interesting mix of books." I said with a smile

"Yeah, they don't have much in common." Spencer agreed with a laugh

"Which Percy Jackson book did you read?" I asked him

"Oh, I read the whole series." Spencer said with a nod

"The whole thing in one day? How fast do you read?" I asked him in surprise

"20,000 words per minute." Spencer stated

I blinked in surprise. "That's insane. I-how? That's so fast."

"I have an IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory, so that probably helps." Spencer said with a smile. Usually, that coming from someone would make me think that they were being arrogant. But not with Spencer, he said it with an earnest tone that didn't make me think he was bragging.

"That's amazing. I don't know why I'm surprised, but it is pretty cool." I said with a smile

"Thanks." Spencer looked down and smiled.

The lift pinged as the doors opened in front of us. The two of us stepped inside and Spencer pressed the button for the 6th floor. The door closed and we started moving upwards.

"So how long did it take you to read the whole series?" I asked him

"20 minutes, give or take." Spencer said

I laughed lightly and shook my head in amazement. "I wish I could read that fast. It took me weeks to read the whole series."

"Oh, you've read it?" Spencer asked happily

"Yeah, I love it." I nodded with a smile

The elevator then came to a stop, and the door automatically opened to reveal the BAU's floor of the FBI.

"I love how creative it is, have you read the heroes of Olympus?" Spencer asked as the two of us stepped out and headed for the office that was behind the large glass doors.

"I have. Those ones are even longer, but I can imagine you finished it in less than an hour." I said with a laugh

"I did, yeah." Spencer smiled as he held the door open for me. I shot him a grateful smile as I stepped through into the offices.

"Who's your favorite character?" I asked him

"Oh, that's a hard question. I'd have to say Annabeth, I admire her intellect. Though the more childish side of me loves Percy." Spencer said with a smile

"I agree." I said with a nod. The two of us then walked up the steps of the walkway and entered the round table room. The rest of the team were already here, so we took a seat at the table.

I glanced over at Rossi, who was sitting on the other side of Spencer with his iPad in hand. He had pulled up a picture of a vintage car.

"That's a nice car." I mused

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