Safe and found

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I ran my hand through my hair as I sighed heavily. I was leaning up against the counter in the small kitchen as I waited for the coffee to brew. Penelope's favorite unicorn mug sat on the counter beside me since she had asked me if I could get her some.

The worry for JJ was constantly weighing on my chest. I didn't even realize that I was worrying at my bottom lip until I felt a sting of pain. I ran my tongue over my lip to find the metallic tang of blood, I had broken the skin.

"Hey, you're bleeding." Spencer said. I glanced up at him in surprise, I hadn't even noticed him approaching the kitchen. His brows were pulled together in concern as he stared at my lips.

"Yeah, nervous habit." I said gently, running my tongue over the cut again.

"Here." Spencer muttered as he lent over and pulled a tissue out of the tissue box. He held it up to my lower lip and gently pressed against it, trying to stop the bleeding. I glanced up into his doe brown eyes for a moment, but I had to look elsewhere, I could hardly manage to keep eye contact when he was standing so close to me.

Spencer then pulled his hand away and moved to bin the tissue. "Thanks." I said with a small smile.

"No problem." Spencer said

Before I could say anything else, the coffee machine stopped making noise, indicating that it was ready. I picked up the pot and carefully poured the liquid into the mug before adding a generous amount of milk.

"How are you?" I asked Spencer as I moved to pour coffee into his empty cup.

"I'm worried...about JJ." Spencer admitted

"Yeah, me too. We'll find her, though. We have to." I said, trying to reassure him, and myself.

"Yeah. We will." Spencer said

"Guys, Garcia has something." Hotch said as he walked past. The two of us glanced at each other before we headed after him, walking back to the round table room. I held Penelope's mug carefully in my hands as I walked up the stairs and along the walkway.

"What have you got, Garcia?" Hotch asked as he walked in the office

"I found the relevant servers." Penelope said

"How many were there?" Spencer asked

"DC area, six." Penelope said

"We need to narrow it down." I said as I placed her mug down beside her. Penelope shot me a grateful smile and squeezed my arm briefly.

"We can ping the servers to see who's hard-lined in. But the second we start knocking, FBI data security is gonna know. It's not gonna be a big leap to figure out why we're doing this." Penelope said

"We won't be here when they do." Derek said

"Okay. I'm going in. It's not working. None of the servers are showing any active hard-lines." Penelope said

"Then we're back to square one." Rossi said

"No, no. We don't have time for that. It's already been 24 hours." Penelope said worriedly

"JJ's being held at one of the sites. We'll work our way down the list." Hotch said

"Okay, sir. I'm sending coordinates now." Penelope said as the team very quickly exited the room. All of us were more than eager to get out and find JJ.


We were driving over the speed limit for sure. The nervousness that was coursing through my veins was making my bullet proof vest feel tighter than usual. It felt like my airways were being constricted. I wanted to pry it off of my body, but I've been in this line of work long enough to know that was a stupid idea.

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