A hostile work environment

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"Okay! Who wants more shots!" Penelope Garcia bounced back over to our small table at the bar with a tray of shots in her hands. JJ reached out to steady the tray as Penelope's bouncing joselted the liquid slightly.

"Careful!" JJ said

"Come on, Pen. I do not need more Alcohol." I said with a laugh, shaking my head

"Come on, you're hardly tipsy." Penelope complained as she placed the small shot glasses onto the table.

The music in the club was so loud we had to basically shout to be able to hear each other. I don't know how the girls had persuaded me to come along. Penelope had been so excited about a girls night that I couldn't say no without feeling like I had kicked a puppy.

I glanced over at the eccentric blonde to see she was giggling into her phone. I raised my brow and lent into her side, wondering what she was looking at.

"Please don't tell me you're texting an ex or something?" I said

"No, I'm texting Derek." She laughed. I looked at her phone and my eyes widened at the message she had just typed out

"Geez, Pen. That's intense. Doesn't the FBI monitor our messages anyway?" I said

"Yeah, and?" She giggled, clearly too drunk to care. I shrugged and laughed along with her, as did JJ and Alex.

My eyes drifted over to the busy bar and my heart almost stopped. There was a girl with long blond hair. It was slightly wavy and down to her waist. She looked exactly like Jo. She turned around and once I saw her face, I knew it wasn't her. I don't know why I keep seeing her everywhere.

"Hey, are you okay?" JJ asked me

"What? Yeah I'm good." I said with a smile, trying to look as convincing as I could.

"Okay. Good." JJ nodded with a smile. I could tell that a part of her didn't fully believe me, but she wasn't going to say anything. And I was grateful for it.

"You know what we should do? We should go bowling!" Penelope suddenly said after downing another shot. I couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm and her random suggestion.


The moment I walked into the office, I felt confused. Nearly everybody was sitting on a chair facing a board, like they were going to a school lecture or something. I spotted Spencer sitting on a desk and made my way over to him, perching on the desk beside him.

"What is happening?" I asked him

"Ah, it's the annual sexual harassment in the work place talk. It's very serious. But usually the messages are between Garcia and Derek." Spencer said quietly

I couldn't help but laugh. "Of course it is."

A woman then walked up to the front of the room and turned on the board. "So, let's talk about sexual harassment. Sexual harassment isn't always a quid pro quo arrangement. Maybe it's a conversation between two co-workers that makes you feel uncomfortable. Maybe these co-workers use phrases like, baby girl."

She pulled up the word onto the blue screen. I had to clench my jaw to stop myself from laughing. The look Derek and Gracia shot at each other almost made me break.

"Chocolate thunder." She pulled up another name. "Or, where's my big black twelve-pack. And that created what? A hostile working environment."

"So messages like, more cushion for the pushing...not appropriate. I'll be Coco to your Ice-T. Not appropriate. Flarpy Blunderguff. I don't even know what that means. But not appropriate." She said, I covered my mouth with my hand as I tried to hold in my laughter.

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