The fitness test

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The team had finally made it back to the office after a long plane ride from Texas to Washington DC. My legs felt kind of stiff from sitting for so long, so it felt better to be walking around the office again. Spencer and JJ were walking alongside me as we headed into the main office space.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to see your mom." JJ said sympathetically

"It's okay. I guess now I know what a parent feels like when their kid grows up. Someone who's depended on you for so long and then suddenly they're off living their own life and they don't really need you any more." Spencer said

"Except she's the parent and that's how it should be." JJ said

"Oh, hi. Welcome back." Penelope said happily when she spotted us.

"This came for you." She handed Spencer a package

"No return address?" Spencer questioned as he took the box

"No, and it's really heavy so what's inside it?" Penelope asked eagerly. "Yes, that's me being nosy."

Spencer placed the box on his desk and used a pocket knife to cut open the tape. He opened the box and pulled out some bronze colored rock that kind of looked like shit.

"That looks like a pile off..." Penelope was cut off by Spencer

"Shale, limestone and sandstone. It's a sculpture of the Grand Canyon from my mom." Spencer said happily as he examined the sculpture

"See? She didn't forget you." JJ said

"What did I say about the postal service up there?" I nudged his shoulder gently with a smile which he returned brightly.

Spencer then pulled out a whole stack of postcards from the Grand Canyon that his mother had written for him. "She said she was gonna mail the postcards, but then she decided to send the Grand Canyon instead. Here, listen to this. You may need to commit me twice, Spencer, because not only did I ride a mule on a tiny trial, with a 1,000 foot vertical drop, I paid for the privilege. Now, that is crazy. Can you imagine my mom on a mule?"

"No." JJ said

"It's like Hotch at the beach." Spencer said with a laugh, causing the three of us to laugh as well.


I sighed softly to myself as I stared into the slightly fogged up bathroom mirror, I turned slightly to get a look at the now healed scar on my shoulder from when I got shot trying to rescue JJ. It was still slightly tender, but it didn't hurt as much. My hand trailed from my shoulder to my ribcage, tracing the long thin scar that ran in an arch across my ribs.

I still remember the day I got it, it wasn't pretty. The blood was everywhere, I think Jo looked more pale than I did though. She was scared for my life, and I was too out of it to really notice. I shook my head of my thoughts and pulled my jumper over my head, finally pulling myself away from the bathroom mirror and going back into my bedroom.

It was good timing too, because my phone was vibrating on my bedside table. I walked over to see that the called ID was Penelope. I furrowed my brows slightly, wondering what it was. I swiped to answer and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey! Listen, I know this is probably short notice, but Spencer and I are in dire need of your assistance. We have a physical exam coming up, and we need to train for it. Any chance you can meet us?" Penelope asked

"Uh, yeah sure." I said

"Great! I'll text you the deets." Penelope said happily before she hung up. I pulled my phone away from my ear and noted that the call had only lasted like fifteen seconds.

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