The Tafferts

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The sun softly peaked through the thick clouds, casting the sky in a soft orange. The light softly touched my skin as I stared out the window. It was always good to bathe in the beauty of life and nature when I had the chance, especially with all of the horrors I see on a daily basis.

I looked down to the table that sat beside my window and sighed. The picture of Jo and I stared back at me, glinting in the sun. It's been two weeks since the karaoke and I still couldn't shake the weird feeling I got when I thought I had seen her.

I ran my finger across the gold picture frame, sighing softly to myself. I felt like I could still feel the heat from the flames as they licked against my skin and dried my tears just as fast as they fell. My lungs burned from the smoke as I screamed out for her, desperately trying to save my best friend.

My phone ringing shook me from my thoughts, stopping the spiral of flashbacks in its tracks. I swallowed thickly and pulled my phone out of my pocket, noting that it was Garcia.

"Hey, baby girl." I said, jokingly saying her nickname.

"Hello to you go, gorgeous. Now, I hope you aren't doing anything important, because we've got a case." Penelope said

"Luckily I'm no. I'll be right there." I said before hanging up and headed for the front door, reluctantly ignoring the sad whines from Echo as I had to leave him to head into the office.


"We just got a call from St. Louis. A missing child, a ten year old, Andrew Taffert. Parents Lida and Malcolm. Father found blood on the front door this morning." Garcia said as she pulled up pictures of the family members as well as the blood on the front door.

"I take it no test results on the blood yet." Derek said

"No. That would be correct." Garcia said

"No signs of forced entry or a struggle according to the initial police report." JJ said

"Mom and dad put him to bed at 10:00, woke up this morning, he was gone." Penelope said

"You'd think the parents would have woken up if there was a struggle." I added

"Any visitors or workers to the house recently?" Alex asked

"No. But the parents say in the last two weeks they've received five phone calls from what sounded like a little boy prank calling them." Penelope said

"They complained to authorities, but police determined that no laws had been broken." Hotch said

"Mm-hmm. The little boy says I'm gonna get you. According to the police reports, there's a lot of crazy people talking in the background. It sounds like it's coming from an asylum or a prison." Penelope said

"I'd say the calls might be coincidental except the boy called again right after the parents found Andy missing, and he had a different message this time. Did you see what I did?" Derek said

"So he's taunting them. Maybe this is about revenge." JJ stated

"I'm gonna get you" is typically a threat, but in the case of children, it can also be a phrase used during play." Alex said

"This sounds similar to a cold case from 15 years ago, Frankie Clayvin of Memphis." Spencer said

"I remember that, Gideon handled it. It obviously predates all of you." Rossi said

"Frankie Clayvin was nine years old at the time. He never made it home from school one day. He was found dead in the woods 36 hours later five miles from his house." Spencer said

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