Silver linings

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I felt like I was having Dejavu when I woke up in Spencer's arms once again. This time I was laying on his chest and both of his arms were wrapped around me. His hand was fisting the material of my shirt as he slept peacefully. It was so warm and comfortable that I really didn't want to get up. But we have a job to do, and I can't waste time revealing in the comfort of Spencer Reid. No matter how much I want to.

When I managed to persuade myself to leave his grasp, I checked my phone to see a message, there had been another victim last night. I sighed sadly and shook Spencer awake. He looked adorable as he tried to blink the sleep away, but once I let him know that there was another murder, he was quick to get up and head back to his room.

I dragged myself up after he left and got myself ready before heading down to grab some breakfast and go meet the team. The only person who was in the kitchen was Derek. He looked up from making his coffee and gave me a suggestive glance.

"Want to tell me why I saw pretty boy leaving your hotel room this morning?" Derek asked coyly

"It's not what it looked like." I stated

"Oh really? Then what was it?" Derek asked

"I had another nightmare. He was just looking out for me." I said

"Right. And you didn't..." Derek trailed off

"Tell him about my undying affections. No." I replied

The moment I finished speaking, Spencer came around the corner. He gave us a smile and said hello as he went to pour himself some coffee. My eyes widened at his sudden presence. Really great timing Spence. I can only hope and pray that he didn't hear what I said. And if he did...then the balls in his court.


Derek, Kate, Spence, myself and the detective pulled up to the most recent crime scene in the usual government issue black SUV. Because of the detective coming along, we had been squished into the back seat. Spencer and I were sitting right next to each other, our sides pressed up against one another. Not that I was complaining, that is.

We all climbed out of the car and headed towards the charred body. Spencer held the door open for me so I could get out, which I gave him a grateful smile for.

"This UnSub's truly evolving, switching to fire." Derek said

"This guy's the king of changing MO." Kate said

"He might just be getting more forensically sophisticated. Fire destroys most trace evidence." Spencer said

"Keven just found two homicides in the city from the last eight weeks which might fit our UnSub's MO." Derek said

"Were they in the comfort zone?" Kate asked

"Forty miles out. But they did have Roman numerals one and two in their mouths. The first one was asphyxiated by gas and the other electrocuted." Derek replied

"So, that probably makes him number six, but why burn him in a box?" Kate asked

"You know, it's shaped more like a casket." Spencer said

"What's the symbolism?" The detective asked

"Maybe this is how he wanted to see the man who's at the Center of his rage." Derek suggested

"Because he's probably in the sixth circle." Spencer suddenly said

"Oh shit. You're right." I gasped. The nine circles of hell.

"Circle of what?" Kate asked

"Dan Chen was found in the mud. The other guy was crushed to death. I don't think these are random MOs. This UnSub's recreating the circles of hell." Spencer explained

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