Chapter 2.3: A girl named Mina

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Mina descended lower into the sewers. There was a portion where the sewer level went deeper for a while, but she knew it came right back up, leading back underneath the electronic district and then past that to a safe haven where she could sleep with other street urchins. The ceilings gradually shifted higher as Mina descended. The sound of running water was continuous, accented by the pitter patter of what remained of the Rains a few moments ago. It still reeked, but she was desensitized at this point, so the smell didn't bother her. She'd lost the worn pair of sandals that served her well for the last two years in the mad scramble earlier, the poor things, she'd been quite fond of them, and was walking barefoot now. Fortunately, the cold didn't bother her.

As she approached one of the ladders to begin her ascent, something made her pause. She was glad she did. Shadows passed above. Through the sewer opening, she saw a regiment of heavily armored soldiers passing by, their heavy boots pounding on the pavement above. Large, snarling, wolves followed close behind, dragged by their leashes, their angry, guttural snarls echoing through the sewers.


"Preserve the Peace." Mina whispered sarcastically.

The Taiyou-Shi Police Brigade hid conveniently under the pretext of maintaining law and order in the Utter Darkness, their true aim unknown, but enough stories had been passed around. Whispers in the darkness mingled with old wives tales and urban legends. The Marauders hunted little girls in the dark, preying on poor lost souls in the Utter Darkness and the neighboring villages.

Mina waited with bated breath for a few moments. It had felt like an eternity, but when she was certain they had passed, she took a deep breath. Convinced everything was safe and the Marauders had passed, she found a ladder that led up to street level and began her ascent.

Mina pulled herself up through the exposed sewer opening. She had exited an area fairly close to her destination. The neon lights felt familiar, reassuring. There was a quiet to the Utter Darkness now. Not as many people out on the streets. "Must be well into the Slumber." she whispered. "Best head for home."

She rounded a corner and climbed a steel fence, pulling herself up quickly by her skinny arms and legs, gradually lowering herself down on the other side. The whole area was still. Too quiet. Mina looked around. Something wasn't right. She continued walking in the darkness for a while, heading toward her destination. Perhaps the hour was late, but the quiet was disconcerting. Mina looked around and could see nothing. The cold neon lights continue to glow in the darkness, illuminating the otherwise dark and dreary existence that was the Utter Darkness.

What's wrong with this picture? Mina kept moving, deciding to ignore the warnings in her gut. It was a grave mistake.

A jolt of electricity coursed through her. She'd been hit from behind. She fell forward, unable to stop herself as her cheek hit the concrete pavement. She coughed as the dust rose up. She struggled to get up, but found she couldn't.

"There's another one." A voice spoke above her that instant. "Too much of a runt." Another voice said. "It doesn't matter, they all fetch the same price. This one at least, will be lighter to carry."

The disembodied voices continued chuckling for a brief moment. Mina strove to maintain consciousness, but she was losing the battle. Her vision blurred. She'd been hit with a Stunner. How could she have been so stupid? The cardinal rule when encountering Marauders was to go the other way. Mina hardly had time to think before she eventually passed out.

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