Chapter 16.2: The March of the Yami

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Oozen-oo walked to the long table toward the largest map in the center. Her fingers traced an outline of the peninsula of Talthys, jutting out east into the sea. She pointed to the farthest tip facing east. "This is Tengoku-Ji," she said, as she pulled a second map in front of her, laying it on top of the first one, her fingers tracing the outline of the temple. "They will sail south, approach us from the sea of Kaito, and then around, to Amaya peninsula. An attack on Amaya's northern shore is the likeliest attack point, but the Darkness will hesitate. The shadows are weaker on water and the journey over the ocean will take its toll on them. Furthermore," she said smiling, "they must cross, and enter the Boundary of Light to reach us. It will weaken them considerably." Oozen-oo pointed her fingers to several points on the map. "We are protected here and here," she indicated, her finger pointing to the Sea of Kaito and the cliffs. "The Cliffs of Hikari will not be so easy to scale. If we barricade the path to the temple, the only way up will be to scale the cliffs from the Sea of Kaito."

We knew this of course. The temple of Tengoku-ji was home to an Order that fought against the Darkness, where combat was inherent in its way of life. The temple was fortress-like, further isolated from attack by its natural surroundings, making attack on the ground arduous, and a sea-based assault all but impossible.

On the map, I spied five layers drawn around the temple in rings, each layer radiating outward from the temple itself. I smiled to myself, impressed. I had never seen the temple's legendary five-layer concentric defense presented in such detail before. The map was a work of art – hand-drawn in painstaking detail using the finest ink on the finest parchment, and scarcely yellowed with age.

Oozen-Oo's fingers traced the outermost outline on the map. Symbols were drawn beside it, indicating defensive seals. "This is the outer wall, the Bougyou-Kabe or Defensive Layer. The walls are built sturdy, and imbued with the essence of Amaterasu herself. They will withstand the first waves of a heavy Yami onslaught." Oozen-oo made careful notes on piece of paper nearby. "Setsuko," she motioned toward one of the elites, a tall priestess with gray eyes and a weathered and expressionless face. "You shall fortify these further with Seals of Protection. Source as many as we can. Put them behind the walls themselves. We must reinforce it, make it far more difficult to breach."

Setsuko nodded. "Shall I take a defensive regiment and post them just behind these walls?"

Oozen-Oo shook her head. "We cannot afford even a small regiment on this side. The wall will hold, we have to trust in that. I need everyone to be further in, safely protected, to conserve our numbers. We will use the five-layer concentric defense the way its builder, Akami von Talthys, intended it to be used."

Ozen-Oo's fingers went to the next layer. "This is the Shuuzen-Kabe, the Regenerative Layer. We will fortify this with Seals of Healing. They will repair the Bougyou-Kabe and send healing energy inward to us." Oozen-Oo turned to a slim priestess with gentle brown eyes and a cheerful disposition. "Streya, you shall lead your Healing Priestesses and place them just behind the Shuuzen Kabe. Your task will be to make sure the Bougyou Kabe holds for as long as it can."

Streya bowed. "Yes, m'lady."

"Beyond these walls," Oozen-Oo proceeded, "is where we get to fight back, for here lies the formidable Kougeki-Kabe, the Assault Layer. Our predecessors filled the wall with heavy assault seals, several of them long-distance-effect spells," The High Priestess smiled. "An attack on the first two layers will not be easy for the Yami with the light constantly raining down on them. Nyana," Oozen-Oo motioned toward a relatively youthful Priestess. Dark circles were painted around her eyes, giving her a fierce appearance. Nyana von Talthys was known in the order for her fiery disposition, and for her skill at long distance assault seals. "You shall take your light archers and position them carefully at just above the wall where you can see everything."

Nyana bowed, never taking her eyes off Oozen-Oo. "Our lives are at your service. We shall defend Talthys at all costs."

Oozen-Oo turned back to Setsuko. "This is where I would like you to position your force, Setsuko. Place yourselves in front of Nyana's regiment. Your defensive seals shall allow them to take aim without having to worry about defending themselves."

Setsuko nodded then bowed. "As always, your wisdom guides us well, m'lady. We shall do as you say."

Oozen-Oo nodded. "Should the Shuuzen Kabe fail, it shall fall to the Sanryoukyou-Kabe, the Prismatic Wall to defend us."

Oozen-Oo walked the chamber, staring at each and every one of us. She went to the pile of artifacts and took out her favorite, the bamboo flute she had shown us a few short years ago. "It was Shizu von Talthys' power that made the Sanryoukyou-Kabe possible. The Rainbow Priestess imbued the wall with her ever-changing energy. Her power fills its walls, making the seals within it capable of altering their state at will. Depending on the situation that faces us at the time, the wall can change its state to defensive or offensive." Oozen-Oo turned to Searra. "Your nature is very much like Shizu's, young Searra. May the spirit of the Rainbow Priestess guide you as you protect this wall."

Searra bowed deeply. "It shall be done as you command, m'lady."

Oozen-Oo turned to me. "I am entrusting the defense of the final wall to you, Vannah, as the most accomplished of our priestesses. I am placing you in charge of the Kaiten-Kabe, Tengoku-ji's final defense. I shall place the Kamikaze, the divine wind, at your disposal."

I nodded silently, knowing full well why Oozen-Oo had entrusted the care of the final wall to me. The Kamikaze was not a simple thing. As a forbidden seal, part of the requirement for unleashing such a force was for the priestess to take her own life. Oozen-Oo was entrusting the lives of our sisters to me. Oozen-Oo walked to me and laid both of her hands on my shoulders. "It is a heavy burden to bear for one so young. Are you up to this task Vannah?"

The High Priestess was looking right into my eyes. For a moment I felt she stared right into my soul. I worried she could see the arrogance in me, but I nodded slowly. "It shall be done, m'lady. Thank you for your faith in me. I shall not disappoint you."

Oozen-Oo paced the room, looked out the window again and sighed. "These are dark days for Talthys and Kuro. No one can say what will happen if we fail to defend against the Yami. I thank you all, for being prepared to lay your lives down for the Order. The fate of humanity rests in our hands. And though she may no longer be with us, may the light of the Goddess' blessing shine upon you all."

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