Chapter 7.6: In Search of Answers

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Drake and Ava looked around the transport receptacle as they walked in. It was a comfortable, wide open space. There were several amenities, including a screen that kept them up-to-date on what was going on. A voice came on as they began their descent. "The Taiyou-Shi government would like to extend a warm welcome to our visitors. Please note that all travel between plates is highly regulated. There will be checkpoints at your destinations. Please note the location of these checkpoints and be prepared to provide adequate documentation when requested to by the border-police. Thank you and we hope you enjoy your visit."

The transport receptacle had several viewing areas, glass panels that allowed them to see their progress as they followed the predetermined paths that took them down into the city's lower plates. The pair was treated to sweeping vistas of Taiyou-Shi's cityscape as the transport receptacles passed through the various sectors.

Ava spoke. "When I was around seven, Dad discovered that the Goddess Essence could be represented in different ways. He could issue promissory notes, each representing a different facet of the Goddess Essence. Based on the utility each unit provided, they could be priced differently, and some at a significant premium. He presented his thesis to the government. They liked it so much that it bought us a way out of the Utter Darkness. Dad was relentless in his pursuit of a 'better life' for my mother and me. We would not be on the Upper Plates were it not for Dad."

A voice came back on. "We are now approaching Sector 6 and the Utter Darkness. The Taiyou-Shi government recognizes the rights of its citizens and acknowledges the need for former residents to visit friends and family. However, please be advised that we are unable to guarantee the safety and security of our citizens beyond this point. Please take care and watch your belongings. We would like to respectfully remind citizens that an Information Embargo is in place for Sector 6. Carrying communications from citizens in Sector 6 to the Upper Plates is a Class-A Information Offense. Smuggling documents or information of any sort, including verbal communication, is punishable by up to ten years in the Utter Darkness penitentiary and may result in the loss of your rights to reside on the Upper Plates."

The descent into Sector 6 took a while. Once they arrived, the doors to the transport receptacle opened and they were greeted by members of the Taiyou-Shi Police Brigade. An armed soldier approached Drake and motioned for him to move forward. "Welcome to Taiyou-Shi Sector 6. Please provide all appropriate documentation at this time."

Ava stepped up and provided ID. "I am Ava Faselheim, and this is my companion."

The armed soldier looked over Ava's documentation and nodded. "Citizen Faselheim, Ava, we welcome you once more to Sector 6. Security protocols in force at this time require us to seek separate documentation from your companion."

Drake moved toward the armed soldiers and handed them some paper. "My documentation is all in there," Drake said calmly. The armed soldier bowed and spoke again. "Documentation provided is sufficient. Citizen Faselheim and companion may proceed."

Ava and Drake took a few steps together, slowly at first, and then gradually increasing the pace as they went past the soldiers of the TPB. Once they were past earshot Ava looked at Drake. "Travel Documents?"

Drake smiled. "I slipped them some GEUs. Paper of course. Untrackable, and oh so useful."

Ava smiled. "Man after my own heart..."

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