Chapter 22.1: The Winter Desert

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Miyun gazed out into darkness. She was looking out the castle parapet onto the land before her. Her eyes turned wistful. Like the dead that stared out into nothingness for eternity, she looked upon the barren landscape, seeing nothing and everything at the same time. Outside of the nearby town of WuShi, just on the outskirts of the palace, dunes of ice-covered sand surrounded them as far as the eye could see, and well beyond that. Hundreds of miles of icy desert separated each of the four kingdoms of the empire of Yin from each other.

The harsh winds that surrounded the Crystal Palace at all times howled all around her, bringing sand and ice crystals with it. It was easy to forget, in the comfort of the palace, that the fickle and perilous desert surrounded them. It brought death to the foolish and careless, with its sand and ice storms that hit without warning, and the countless other trials that the harsh desert brought. Bereft of the sun's warmth, the desert was infinitely cold. The sand mixed with cold ice from snow storms that came in winter and early summer. Without heat to melt them, they stayed in place, giving Yin the name it is most known for, the Winter Desert.

Miyun's hands softly caressed the ice-covered parapet stone, letting it rest for longer than she should, the cold cutting into her skin, causing a familiar stinging sensation. The Crystal Palace rose defiantly over the barren land, a veritable oasis in the desert. The ice on the palace walls glistened, illuminated by the Light Spires, giving it a translucent look, turning it into a castle of glass and giving it its name.

It was hard to believe, looking at the barren emptiness, what a great empire Yin had been and still was, to this day. Even back in the day, the harsh desert life hadn't stopped the great kingdoms from developing. The four kingdoms, each built along the eastern, western, northern and southern boundaries of the great desert, had been the topic of song, and of many history books. The darkness was nothing to the people of the desert, who had survived despite the absence of light and warmth. The empire had been forged in conflict and built with bloodshed. The four kingdoms, once independent, warring clans until the great Emperor united all under heaven, were still very much under a tense truce that lasted through the generations.

A shadow moved in the darkness. Miyun whirled around. These were difficult times, and one could never be too careful, even in the relative safety of the walls of the Crystal Palace. She found herself staring at her personal guard. "Xiang Yu," she greeted him.

A tall, imposing warrior appeared before her, covered in the gold-ornamented armor of the warriors of Yin. At his side, he wore a gilded sword in an ornate scabbard with green and red studded gems. A dragon, symbol of the power of Yin, slithered around the scabbard, watching over it. His head was uncovered and his hair was braided and wrapped around his neck. Still relatively young compared to many of the emperor's personal guard, Xiang Yu was in top physical condition. The great warrior was the Empress' personal bodyguard. His prowess in the legendary martial arts was unrivaled throughout the empire. So greatly did the emperor love Miyun that he had entrusted his greatest warrior to stand guard over her.

Xiang Yu bowed politely to greet her. "The preparations have been made, my lady."

"Are you sure you were not followed?" Miyun cast furtive glances behind the great warrior.

Xiang Yu shook his head. "I was exceedingly careful."

Miyun nodded. "And my husband suspects nothing?"

"No one knows what the Dragon Emperor may be thinking. However, it does appear that he knows not of your plan."

Miyun nodded. "And you are all right with this? Disobeying the Emperor is an act of treason, punishable by death."

Xiang Yu bowed his head again. "Unfortunately, I am bound by honor to disobey, for I have been entrusted with your safety and well being. As you have decided upon this course of action, I have no choice but to comply."

Miyun smiled at Xiang Yu. She knew full well the warrior had the option of betraying her, of telling the emperor ahead of time what it was she meant to do. She was grateful. She knew Xiang Yu understood more than most how she felt.

Miyun turned her back on Xiang Yu and stared out into the desert again.

"It... " Xiang Yu started to speak, but faltered.

"Speak freely, Xiang Yu," Miyun commanded, "Do not hesitate."

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