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A Note from the Author:

Dear readers,

A fair bit of warning before you read further: the epilogue is where this story takes an interesting turn. The problem, however, is that this part of the book will leave you HIGH and DRY. If you don't like cliffhangers, stop here!

I am not even halfway through writing Book 2, so it will be a bit of a wait for it. Even so, if you choose to read this, it's your choice. Personally, I would, just to find out what the interesting turn is. :D

Thanks again for your support.



"Well, this was a rather interesting turn of events, I'll have to admit."

Sergei Diskarma paced the lavishly carpeted floors of the SunFlare building's penthouse office. From his vantage point, he looked out at the rest of the city, the lights blinking endlessly as the city stretched onward. Taiyou-Shi never slept, after all. The SunFlare's light basked him in brilliant sunlight.

"Felicia's incompetence has cost us an opportunity," a voice added to Sergei's thoughts. A shadowy figure stood behind him, clad in black. Even the brilliant light of the penthouse could not dispel the darkness from the man that stood behind him.

"Quite unfortunately so, but I do not think it was incompetence," Sergei disagreed, adjusting his tie as he continued to look out the window. "Felicia wasn't at fault. No one expected Amaterasu to do what she did at Umi. That, I think we can agree on."

"Nevertheless, we have much to fear from the Vessel of the Light. If she has the ability to rekindle Amaterasu's power, even bring her back to a point where she can manifest, we need to think about this very carefully," the shadow persisted.

"Yes, I fully understand the gravity of the situation." Sergei slowly paced the room, his hands behind him. He stopped when he reached one of the twin Kurokyuu Orbs that were mounted at opposite ends of the penthouse suite, their forms shifting, responsible for generating a significant amount of sunlight in a tiny area.

"Are you sure we have this problem effectively contained?"

Sergei sighed, turning to face the shadow. "No, I am not sure. Not while the Vessel of the Light is out there. They have left Umi's shores. No doubt, they mean to go beyond the Boundary of Light. Word is travelling like wildfire that the Goddess has returned. The people are already talking about the dawn of a new age."

The shadowy figure laughed. "The fools. They clutch at any miracles they can." The shadow was silent for a while. "Mykall Talonfire's presence in this time concerns me even more than that of the Vessel's. It is limited, but I can see somewhat, from Enma's eyes. I do not know how he happened to be here. I had thought he perished back then, long ago. But it appears he has lost his memory. He does not remember what happened that day. How much of this is the Council aware of?"

"They are blissfully unaware at this time," Sergei replied. A few loud knocks at the door caused Sergei to turn around quickly. "Who is it?" he asked, suspicious of the visitor.

"You called for me, Father."

"Misha," Sergei sighed with relief. "Please come in."

A young girl walked in and stood before Sergei, quietly regarding him. Misha's eyes were unnerving as always. Sergei couldn't look into his daughter's eyes for more than a few moments at a time. Those eyes peered into the soul, they knew the truth of a man, in an instant.

Sergei was quiet for a few moments. Misha stood still without a word. Sergei felt the strength of her gaze upon him.

"The time has come, Misha, for you to go out into the world."

"Yes, father."

"Please make preparations for your departure. You know what it is you have to do?"

"Yes, father," Misha bowed politely and closed the door behind her.

Sergei sighed. "My own daughter, and I cannot bear to look upon her for more than a few moments."

"That is, understandable, Sergei," the shadow said. "So the time has come, finally, for the two to meet."

"Yes. I have been dreading this day. The time has finally come for her to reveal herself. The Vessel of the Light will not easily get her way," Sergei moved to an open window and stared out into the darkness, silent for a few moments.

"Mina-ko Talonfire-omikami is as yet unaware of her heritage, nor does she understand the role she has been thrust into. She will not get very far. Misha Diskarma Kurayami Mikaboshi, Vessel of the Dark, will meet her head on, and we shall see who has the greater power."


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That's it!

Unfortunately, the updates will stop for a while as I focus on writing Book 2 (though it is written all the way in my head!). Please be patient as I want to take time to make sure it is done well.

Thank you!

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