Chapter 28: Amaterasu's Return

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A flash of light, blinding in its brilliance, banished the darkness, casting it away with the ferocity of a raging torrent, pushing it away. The Darkness fought back, but it was no match for the Light this time. The light was insistent, compelling, determined.

The darkness that had reigned supreme in the land was banished as easily as clouds after a storm. It passed quietly, without so much as a whimper. When the brilliance of the light had completed its entrance, the seaside town of Umi was bathed in light, complete light.

Sunlight. As far as the eye could see.

The beautiful blue waves of Umi stretched out in endless glory, undulating in rhythm with nature. The row houses were now in full view, their dilapidated condition visible, embarrassing to look at without the darkness to hide in. The grime that had clung to the walls, the moss that grew alongside the ivy, were in plain sight, begging for someone to clean them.

It took a while for Mina's eyes to adjust. But she could make out more details now. The glow of the sun bathed everything in its light. She felt renewed as well, full of life. She felt an odd sense of bravado, as if she was eager to take on the world.

Then she noticed the people. The residents of Umi – almost every one of them was on their knees. What were they doing? It looked like they were bowing to her.


Mina had to make sure she wasn't imagining it. Perhaps they were hurt in some way? Were they all in pain? No, it wasn't pain, it was a sign of respect. Of respect? Why were they showing her respect?

Mina cast her gaze upon the closest person she could, and she saw a young girl mouthing the words, "Amaterasu has returned." The girl was pointing right at her.

Mina looked around her. It appeared as though the world revolved around her. Everything was a blur. Her senses were sharpened, strangely alert, and yet she was not entirely sure how lucid she was at the moment. It was like dreaming while awake.

It was then that she noticed her friends. Mykall, the quiet warrior was on his knees, genuflecting before her. She wanted to go to him, ask him why he, too, was kneeling before her, his head bowed.

Vannah was writhing in pain on the ground, but she had a smile on her lips. She was mouthing words. Mina strained to catch them, to understand the gravity of the meaning. "Well done, little lady."

The four demons, once great and menacing, all thrashing in pain before her. Felicia Silverstath, the dreaded Silver Witch, now lay before her, dying.

It was all a blur. Mina heard the words. "Well chosen, Mina."

And then everything went black.

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