Chapter 26.1: Fated Meeting

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Mina looked around the room. The crowd was in good spirits that night, laughter resounding amidst the din of several conversations. The smoke-filled atmosphere reminded her a little bit of the Utter Darkness, but the smell was friendlier here, fresher. The sea had something to do with it, she was sure – that, and the fact that the acrid smell of the refuse from the Upper Plates, and the ever oppressive atmosphere, was no longer here.

They had caught the crowd's attention ever since they entered, a few patrons chancing quick glances; some brazenly staring. Everyone kept their distance, thankfully. The sight of Mykall, with his full armor and battle-ready appearance, was deterrent enough. Vannah's white cloak drew more attention anyway, as did Enma traveling beside her. Though the demon was cleverly concealed in Searra's form, the Seal of Tsukuyomi was too much of a distraction to ignore. Still, they had done what they could under the circumstances to be discreet. Of the group, only Mina truly blended in with the rest of the pub.

Mina's eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. In one corner of the room, a brightly lit sign proudly proclaimed 'Izakaya Izanagi', the name of the pub. The aromas of the freshly grilled meats made her stomach grumble. It was always the food that got her! She felt oddly embarrassed, as if being poor and hungry was something to be ashamed of. Joab had always taught her otherwise.

Mina's thoughts wandered. This journey she had embarked on had been long, but she had the feeling it was only the beginning. Her thoughts came back to the Utter Darkness where she had been only a few weeks ago. It felt like a lifetime ago to her. She remembered Kari and the girls, feeling a tinge of regret. She stopped herself though, because she knew what letting those emotions in would do to her. A tear fell down her cheeks unbidden, and though she attempted to stifle it, it was a few seconds too late.

"You dwell on the past again, little lady. Your thoughts wander to the dead?" It was Vannah asking. For some reason, Vannah had her figured out. Dark Priestess or not, Mina counted Vannah among her friends. She knew she was being simplistic, stubbornly trying to cling to Joab's code. These days, she was unsure of that credo. Was Vannah good, for instance? She fought for the light, but her deeds were ambiguous. Mina shook her head. Perhaps the ale was messing with her mind.

"Have you had too much to drink?" It was Mykall's turn to speak. "The ale is quite strong."

Mina shook her head. "It is the memories that intoxicate me, not the drink. My sorrows, they drown out the drink instead of the other way around." She sighed wistfully. She had hoped that the spirit of the crowd would snap her out of her gloom, but her memories weighed down on her like chains upon a prisoner.

"Umi prides itself on the strength of its spirits and the quality of its fish," Vannah said, absent-mindedly tracing circles on the oak table with her fingers. The demon sat beside her, perfectly still.

"I have not been to Umi in a long time, but it has not changed much." Vannah's eyes turned to slits again. "It is the transients that feed this town, the passers-by, and sailors en route to other ports. You meet all manner of folk around here, some less desirable than others." She smiled, the sharp teeth coming into focus against her red lips and pale complexion, and Mina wondered again, why something so twisted could look so strangely beautiful.

"Will we find what we seek here?" Mykall asked this time, looking around, his hand absentmindedly going toward his sword, the fingers caressing the well-worn wooden sheath, tracing the curved edge of the katana. His long fingers were thin, delicate, not a warrior's fingers, at least to Mina's eyes. She wondered how such hands could deal such swift death as she had witnessed days ago.

"It is a curious manner, the way you handle your sword in battle, warrior," Vannah casually observed, noticing Mina's fascination with Mykall's movements. Mina averted her eyes, embarrassed and worried she had been staring too intently.

"What do you mean?" Mykall turned quizzically toward Vannah.

"Right before your blade strikes, you let the hilt of your katana slide all the way forward in your hand, until all but four of your fingers are gripping the lowest point of its base," Vannah's eyes turned to slits. She casually bit the last piece of chicken off the skewer, and used it imitate the motion. "I am not a swordsman, but that is a difficult hold, and a dangerous one, at that. You are but mere moments from losing control over your blade. The slightest mistake could spell death for you."

Mykall smiled. "An old man taught me that trick, long ago," Mykall's eyes appeared lost in memory as he spoke, "His name is lost to me, but his lessons are not. It extends the sword's strike distance, far beyond what an opponent would expect. An opponent that is gauging his distance will find that the distance between himself and the blade closes much faster. But it is as you say. There is a critical moment, just before the blade strikes, when the swordsman is between life and death. He must trust the sword, and above all, he must trust himself."

Mykall's brow furrowed. "You are very observant. Still, even for the keenest eye, to be able to see it at that speed, how is it that you are able to do this?" Mykall was now curious.

"It is the demon blood, warrior," It was Searra's turn to speak – the voice was a young girl's, but it was the demon speaking. "It swims in the whorelet's veins as surely as it does in mine. Yami eyes see far more than mortal eyes, and the darkness does not hinder our sight as it does yours."

An evil smile broke on Searra's beautiful face. "You might get your answer after all, Light Knight. We might still find what we need here."

"Umi is a haven for those not on friendly terms with the government." Vannah took a sliver of fish and daintily dipped it into soy sauce before taking a bite. "We may find someone crazy enough to want to cross the Boundary of Light."

Something in the darkness caught Mina's eyes just then. She whirled her head quickly. "What alarms you little one?" Vannah asked, her eyes swiftly darting sideways, scanning for an unseen threat.

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