Chapter 6.2: A Glimmer of Hope

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Lights were suddenly flashed in their faces, blinding them. Mina saw Mykall look quickly at the ground, trying to orient himself in the bright light. Mina squinted her eyes and looked to the edge of the light. Several armed men stood at the perimeter of the circle. Mina realized they were surrounded. They found themselves in the middle of a grassy knoll, led there by the wolves who had purposely given chase, leading them on so that they would now be in full view, with no place to go. Rows and rows of Marauders emerged. There were Warlocks as well. The original Warlock who had tracked them all the way, and four more. The first Warlock had brought more than sufficient backup to take care of the problem.

Mykall turned to the girls. "There are far too many for me to protect you from this. I will distract them as best I can. At the earliest opportunity, stick to the plan, run in opposite directions as fast as you can. Do not look back."

Mina and Vannah both nodded in agreement. Vannah whispered to Mina, "It appears we are in the same situation once more, little one. What tricks do you have up your sleeve this time?"

The wind blew and Mykall disappeared into the darkness. Wolves started falling, as did Marauders, under a flurry of slashes that could be heard and, occasionally, seen. Mykall was doing an impressive job holding his own against so many. The Warlocks moved into a circle formation and made several motions with their hands. Mykall was suddenly cast away like a rag doll. The Warlocks' telekinetic abilities were proving to be too powerful to overcome.

"Now!" The girls heard Mykall shout over the din of the battle. "Run!"

Mina and Vannah started to run in opposite directions. In the corner of Mina's eye, she saw a wolf move swiftly to take Vannah. She turned around and flung herself in front of Vannah in an attempt to cover her. The wolf attacked, only to explode in bloody pieces of flesh a few seconds later. Mykall had gotten to it in time.

"No." Mina shook her head. "We are in this together. Our destinies are intertwined now. We either all make it out of here alive, or none of us survive." She closed her eyes once more, putting her hands together as in prayer. Vannah looked at her, surprised at her reaction in this time of peril.

"Mina, now is not the time..."

Vannah stopped talking mid-sentence. A bright light surrounded Mina where there had been none earlier, emanating from her very person, bathing her entire body with a warm glow. The light bloomed beyond her, effulgent, banishing the darkness. Mina's hair also changed. Her dark, matted and messy hair was now long and yellow blonde in color, flowing in the air. The grimy, face had cleared up, allowing her features to show through. She was incredibly beautiful. Her features were strong, sharp, standing out in the dark. Her small dainty nose, red lips and flawless complexion were all immediately apparent where they had not been a few short minutes ago.

The Warlocks, Marauders and Wolves all stopped moving. One of the Warlocks spoke first. "The Maiden! We have found the Maiden!"

The Warlock moved quickly, running up to Mina as if to take her by force. Mykall tried to intercept but was flung again into the air. The Warlock reached Mina and tried to take her arm. It was a mistake. The Warlock shrieked as the heat of the sun burned his hands where he touched her. He recoiled in pain. Mykall got up at that time and moved with the wind, slashing his sword in an arc. Suddenly a bright light shot into the sword, granting it a momentary light. The katana cut true this time around. Within a split second the Warlock was staring at his severed right arm. He screamed in agony. "Kill him!" The hordes moved forward with a renewed purpose, all moving in concerted battle formation.

The outcome of the battle was different this time. Aided by Mina's mysterious light, Mykall's sword took on a different character. The warrior didn't need to bother finding a weak spot. All he had to do was move the sword in a particular direction and with the light lending its strength to his blade, it cut through steel, like a knife through butter.

It was a massacre. Mykall's sword wrought havoc through the ranks of the marauders. Two Warlocks foolishly got in the way of Mykall's blade, only to find themselves completely bisected, their torsos sliding out from their waists. They were dead before they even realized it, victims of overwhelming speed combined with an other-worldly strength and deadly precision. Three Warlocks remained and at least thirty Marauders. They banded together, moving in formation, surrounding their 'prey' but moving slowly, and far more cautiously this time.

Mykall materialized again, this time beside Vannah and Mina. He stood in front of them protectively. Vannah looked straight at Mina. "You are very interesting indeed, little one... " She laughed out loud. Mina, her eyes still closed in concentration, appeared not to hear a word. Her blonde hair flowed in the wind, and the eerie glow that surrounded her seemed to grow with each passing moment. At this point, looking at Mina for more than a few seconds was difficult. Her light was brighter than any light Kuro had seen in a thousand years. It illuminated the knoll, bathing everyone in its powerful light.



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