Chapter 27.2: Light and Darkness

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The Goddess smiled, and Mina felt happiness. Was this Good? Vannah smiled at her once, and she had believed the Dark Priestess to be good as well. But what was Good really?

"Then surely Good must be the absence of Evil, and Evil the absence of Good."

"That is a good answer, yes. But a far too simple one, Mina."

The Goddess took her by the hand and they walked around the bright sunny field. They walked in silence for a few moments. At times, the Goddess appeared pensive. She would look down and there would be a look of sadness in her eyes. Mina didn't really know what to say so she remained silent, her eyes continuing to admire the beauty of her surroundings. Majestic mountains surrounded them. Her mind wandered to her friends. She pondered the words of the Goddess. How would her friends be saved?

As they came to what looked like the edge of a forest, Amaterasu stopped. Her eyes looked sorrowful. "Would you say that the Dark Priestess is good or evil?"

Mina froze, caught off-guard by the question, but a side of her wasn't all that surprised. She had been asking that very question all this time.

"Would you kill to save another?" The Goddess was smiling at her, and Mina felt more and more at ease. The aura was the exact opposite of the revolting aura she felt in the presence of Enma. This was nurturing, loving, peaceful. "What about Joab? If you could have saved him, would you have killed to do so?"

Mina didn't know the answer to such a difficult question.

"Were you cast into the same role as Vannah, would you act as she has? Would you slaughter the innocent to save the many?"

The Goddess pointed her finger at her suddenly.

"Or would you rather not act and have Kari die in front of you all over again?"

Mina shook her head. Tears came to her eyes. She put her hands to her ears. She didn't want to hear anymore.

"I... I don't know... I really don't know!" Mina screamed at the Goddess. She was sobbing gently now, her shoulders shaking. Her hair had turned blonde again. She barely realized the transformation that had taken place.

"Such are the choices that Gods face, Mina."

"Then I do not want to be God or a Goddess!"

"There are many things thrust upon us that we do not want or wish for."

"I, I cannot. It is a burden I cannot bear." Mina whimpered softly.

"It is a burden very few can, Mina. And yet bear it you must. As my Vessel." The Goddess appeared very sad then, the light of her countenance somewhat diminished.

"How should I choose then? How can I tell Good from Evil?"

"Shades, Mina. Not black or white, but shades of gray, or red, or blue. It is not enough to look upon something and determine good or evil. Day and Night, Light or Darkness, the choice is never so simple. The Light cannot exist without the Darkness, and the Darkness cannot exist without the Light."

"Then why leave us? Why leave your people in eternal night?"

"A story for another day, Mina. For that you must find me."

"And where shall I find you?"

"I know not... sadly. It has taken all my power to show myself at this time, and it is only because you have opened yourself to me. I am weak still, Mina. I need to regain my powers."

The Goddess looked at Mina. Amaterasu took her hand and gently brushed it against Mina's cheek, smiling as she did so. The Goddess's hand moved softly down to Mina's chin, and raised it slightly. Mina moved her face to look up at the Goddess. She was surprised to see sadness upon such a dazzling countenance.

"There are things... things I do not remember. It is as if a part of me is lost. There are things I have done that are hazy to me." The moment passed just a quickly, and Amaterasu was herself once more.

"There will be plenty of time for discovery, Mina. For now, the fate of your friends rests upon your choice."

Mina looked puzzled.

"Choose, Mina. Choose a shade. Will it be the Dark Priestess, the one who has slaughtered the innocent in the name of the Light? Or will it be the Silver Witch, the once-innocent who has slaughtered other innocents in the name of vengeance? Go now. Follow your heart, and make the choice."

Mina closed her eyes. The wind rustled softly and the sun caressed her face with the warmth of its gentle glow. She basked in it for a few moments, taking the time to breathe in the fresh air; warmth she had never known until now. The abundance and lushness of the land that was all around her comforted her, stilling her tumultuous emotions.

Mina breathed in deep, and made her choice.

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