Chapter 5.4: Hunted

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"Sir, the land has not seen the light of day in over a thousand years." Vannah said, smiling at Mina who nodded in agreement and added: "No one alive in Kuro remembers what 'Day' is." She paused, momentarily, concerned she had somehow offended the warrior.

"I do..." Mykall spoke softly, then paused, deep in thought. "Many things I remember, conversations, events and images. My skills come to me naturally, as I if had practiced them day in and day out, but none of these things contain me as a person I remember not my parents, acquaintances, nothing material that tells me who I am." He turned away as if deep in thought. He was trying to remember, trying to piece together the series of events that led him to be here.

"I remember the Deities, and I remember her." Mykall said finally, after a long pause.

The girls looked at him, intrigued at the bit of information he now offered. "Who do you remember?" Mina prodded.

"The Goddess, Amaterasu."

The girls looked at each other in surprise.

There could be no logical explanation for the warrior's words. And yet, this man, who was so purposeful, knowledgeable, who possessed a great many skills and whose command of logic was so complete, so accurate that he could not possibly be crazy, was now claiming that he had intimate knowledge of the Lost Period. He spoke of the Deities and Amaterasu as if he knew them, things no one on Kuro have knowledge of except through myth. If he had been anyone else, they would have dismissed him as a raving lunatic.

"What can you tell me of the odd light that glows in the sky?" asked Mykall.

"That is the Aurora," Mina explained. "One of the remaining legacies the Goddess left us." Mina drew her cloak in to warm herself. "It is said that the Aurora showed up right after Amaterasu disappeared." Mina was getting incredibly curious and, encouraged by the conversation, growing bolder. "Sir, if you don't mind us asking, would you mind telling us how you ended up where you were when you rescued us?"

Mykall recounted the events that led to his being here. How he had woken up in the dark, among "bodies" that were just empty pieces of armor. How he he gone outside and found himself facing the side of a mountain. How he had realized with terror that he had no recollection of his past or of who he was. He spoke slowly, soft but articulate as if he were trying to recall every detail. He was not haphazard in his recollection. Every fact brought out was carefully considered. From his speech and his actions, Mina surmised he was intelligent, well-educated, and skilled at many trades. They had already witnessed his skills as a warrior and as a tracker.

"Sir, what are we going to do next? What is your plan for escape?" Vannah asked next.

Mykall's brow furrowed. "I am not familiar with this new land. When I was last awake, it looked very different, the people, places and things were not as they are now. For now, we will continue to evade. Is there a place we can head to that is safe?"

"There is a seafaring town to the northwest," said Vannah, "Umi. The people there have no love for the government. We can stay there in safety for a few days, and..." Vannah stopped to look at Mykall. "There is someone I would like you to meet halfway between here and Umi if that is possible. If there is anyone who can help you remember your past, it will be him."

In the relative safety of their new campsite, and finding herself among friends, Mina allowed her mind to wander a little. She suddenly remembered Kari, the little girl who had lost her life so senselessly, who had been alive just a few short hours ago. The little girl she had sworn to protect but had been powerless to do so in the end. The injustice of the whole situation came back to her. Without realizing it, she had started sobbing softly to herself. Vannah turned sharply to Mina and said, "We do not have time to mourn the little girl. You are strong. You need to stay strong, keep your wits about you and survive. Live to fight another day and you may get your chance for revenge."

"If there is no day, how do people keep track of the time?" Mykall wondered aloud, changing the subject, trying to help Mina pull herself together.

"People keep light watches with them. We keep time in twenty-four hours, but divide it into three parts, the Waking, the Winding and the Slumber." Vannah answered. Like Mina, she drew the cloak closer to her. She was shivering in the cold.

"Does anyone know what time it is currently?"

"Unfortunately, neither of us have a light watch with us. I suppose we will find out once we reach Umi."

"Get some sleep while you can," Mykall told the girls. "I will keep watch."

Almost in response to his suggestion, and perhaps also because they were exhausted, both girls fell asleep almost immediately.

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