Are you a die-hard Kuro fan? Now's your time to prove it! Kuro needs your help!

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Dearest fans of Kuro, there are less than two days left before Kuro gets taken down from Wattpad! That said, I would like to call on Kuro's biggest fans to come out!

Does Kuro have real fans? 

You know, the kind of rabid following that published novels have? It's about to be put to the rest as I take this book off Wattpad in two days. Did you love this book? Would you like to see more and do your part to contribute to its success and spread? If you answered yes to both of these, I would love to hear from you! Please comment on here if you'd like to volunteer to help!

What does helping entail? 

1) Help spread the word on Kuro to as many people as you can! Friends, family, acquaintances, whatever it takes to get this book to be noticed! Share it on Facebook, Twitter or anywhere else you'd like to! Myspace anyone? LOL! :D

2) You agree to help me by giving an honest review of Kuro's 3 episodes on Amazon when it debuts on the KDP Select Program.

3) If you run a blog, do a review of Kuro! Good or bad, any publicity helps!

What do you get in return?

1) Free copies of Kuro in the new 3 episode format! Yes, this is the full book 1 broken up into three smaller novels.  This way, you won't miss it, even when it leaves Amazon and you get to keep it forever!

2) More works of fiction from me! If I can prove that this is a viable business model for me, you can rest assured my books will ALWAYS be free in some form for readers who have supported me on Wattpad.

I need honest, dedicated, hardcore fans!

It will cost me money to give you the free copies of Kuro because I may actually have to buy a few of them for you (believe it or not, this is how Amazon works).

Because of this, I ask that if you do get free copies, that you promise to do your best to review them on Amazon. I will provide as much assistance as I can in guiding you through how to do a proper review on Amazon.

Lastly, if you have ideas on what else I can do to help Kuro gain more publicity, I would love to hear from you! Please let me know your thoughts or ideas!

This is make or break for me! 

The future of all my books on Wattpad rests on the success of this experiment!!!

So if I don't get enough reviewers to move the needle on KDP Select, I may have to re-think my presence on Wattpad altogether. But if I get a large amount of reviews and support from my fanbase, I will make every effort to make all of my books free to all of my supporters in one way or another!

Thank you very much to everyone for your support!!!

Still want to help? Comment on here so I can see your usernames! :D A big thank you in advance to Kuro's truest and biggest fans! :D

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