Chapter Eleven

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Sitara leaned back on the car seat, shutting her eyes, and attempted to comprehend the whirlwind of events that had just unfolded. All of a sudden, her life had turned into a supernatural novel. And everything was happening in fast peace.

Bhuvan, the werewolf, with his menacing fangs and furious gaze, would forever haunt her. If she lived at all after all this.

"Sitara," Vihaan said slowly. "Are you okay?"

Sitara's eyes fluttered open. The wound on Vihaan's chest was bleeding, and there were several scratches on his arm. The sight of blood made her feel lightheaded.

"You're bleeding," Sitara said. He needed immediate medical attention.

"I'll be all right," he said casually, as though being attacked by wolves was a regular thing for him.

"Will you become a wolf too?" she inquired.

"Maybe," he replied, a grin forming on his face. "You like wolves, don't you?"

"No," she said. "Not if they're anything like Bhuvan. A monster."

"Hey, we are not." The guy in the front seat turned to look at Sitara. He appeared to be around the same age as her. A peculiar tattoo of three stars arranged in an unusual pattern, with a sun in the center, adorned his neck. "By the way, I'm Neer."

"We are not monsters," the guy in the driver's seat repeated. With a playful wink, he added, "We are heroes." He appeared slightly older than Neer, with red hair and piercings on his eyebrows, lips, and ears. A moon tattoo adorned the nape of his neck, but it was his captivating eyes that held Sitara's attention. They resembled pools of melted honey, intensified by his dusky complexion. Realizing she had been caught staring, Sitara swiftly averted her gaze.

"I go by Dheer," he introduced himself.

"You two are..." Sitara stammered. "Werewolves."

Neer and Dheer exchanged smug glances and high-fived each other.

"Werewolves and proud," Neer proudly declared.

"Dheer," Vihaan yelled as the car swerved on the street. "Pay attention to the road."

The boy laughed and redirected his focus to the street.

"Driving with these werewolves," Vihaan grumbled.

Neer handed Sitara a bottle of water. "You need to relax. After all, you are our lifesaver."

Sitara only stared at him in surprise. "Actually, it's the opposite. You saved me," she replied. "Seriously, thank you for saving me from my bloodthirsty grandmother."

Neer shook his head. "No, you have no idea you're-"

"We will talk about that later," Vihaan interjected. "Anyway, why were you late?" he sounded cross. "The stupid wolf could have killed me."

"After I got your message, I drove as fast as I possibly could," Dheer replied

"Your fastest wasn't fast enough," Vihaan remarked, pressing a piece of cloth onto his chest.

"You're still alive," said Dheer. "Chill."

Vihaan reached into the bag behind him in the car and retrieved a glass container. As he opened it, the aroma of herbs and rain flooded the car. He scooped out the brown and green paste from the jar and spared around his wound, wincing as he did. A few seconds later, his wounds stopped bleeding.

"Is Bhuvan dead?" Sitara asked, looking outside in the darkness. She almost expected to see the two glowing eyes following them.

"I hope not," said Neer. "Because that traitor deserved a more painful death."

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