Chapter - Twenty One

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"Sitara." The gentle voice of Manya roused Sitara from her peaceful sleep. She groggily pulled the covers closer, reluctant to leave her peaceful rest. Sleeping without worry had been a rare luxury lately.

"Sitara, wake up," Manya persisted. "You're running late. Remember, you have to get the weapon today."

Those words snapped Sitara to attention. Getting the weapon was the mission today.

Sitara finally felt calm inside her. She had a good night's sleep and knew her parents were safe, which made her feel at ease.

Sitara looked out the window and saw the sun shining brightly. Shaurya had told her to meet him early at the enchantress's cottage in the herbal garden.

Sitara quickly ran to her room. After a quick shower, changing her clothes, and brushing her hair, she was all set. She didn't waste any time and joined Manya to rush towards the enchantress's cottage in the herbal garden.

Vihaan and Shaurya were already in the room when Sitara and Manya arrived. They stood silently, their eyes fixed on the enchantress as she shuffled a deck of tarot cards.

The enchantress continued to shuffle the cards in a rhythmic motion, her movements fluid and practiced. As she arranged them on the table, her expression remained as impassive as stone, revealing nothing of her thoughts.

Shaurya stood tall, clad in all-black attire, his hands clasped behind his back. "We've tightened security," he declared, his commanding voice filling the room. "We must be prepared for another attack from the witch. She won't remain silent for long. I know she's probably looking for ways to break through our defenses."

"I don't believe she'll strike again so soon after her previous failure," said the enchantress, with her fingers delicately twirling shimmering stones

"But we can't take chances," Shaurya said. "The witch is unpredictable."

"What is my grandma up to now? Can you see it? Maybe in a crystal ball or something?" she inquired eagerly.

The enchantress's gaze sharpened as she looked at Sitara. "It's not that simple. She likely has numerous enchantments shielding her from prying eyes," she explained.

"Can we use the mirror to see what Grandma is up to?" Sitara asked.

"The mirror has already revealed what we needed to know," she answered.

Sitara silently pondered over the idea of installing CCTV cameras or even deploying drones to spy on Grandma. Perhaps these methods would bypass her magical defenses.

As the enchantress rose from her seat, she instructed, "First, let's obtain the weapon. Then we can strategize our next move against her."

"We should get going," Shaurya said.

Sitara approached Manya, who had been silently standing in the corner with her eyes fixed on her hands. Ever since Shaurya's outburst the previous night, she had avoided looking at him.

"I'm sorry for what happened last night," Sitara whispered, feeling a pang of guilt in her heart. She knew she owed Manya an apology for Shaurya's behavior. Even though it wasn't overly rude, it had clearly hurt Manya.

"Why?" Manya asked.

It felt dramatic, but Sitara hugged Manya.

"Nothing. Anyway, I'll miss you," Sitara said and smiled.

Manya smiled a little. "You will return this evening."

And Sitara hoped it was true.

Shaurya, Sitara, and Vihaan walked out of the castle. A gleaming carriage with two sturdy horses was parked outside the castle entrance. The carriage was adorned with beautiful patterns, had cozy seats, and looked like it could take you on a magical journey.

Sitara and The DayanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora