Chapter - Twenty Eight

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"Tripti!!" Sitara exclaimed, her voice tinged with shock.

"I want a good reward," declared the witch, a smirk playing on her lips as she folded her hands.

"You'll get it," Tripti assured her. "My mistress will see to that."

"And a place in her coven," added the witch, a gleam in her eyes.

Tripti nodded, her gaze fixed on Sitara. "That's part of the deal."

"How did she find her way here?" Sitara inquired.

The witch smirked at them. "You think you tricked us?" she chuckled. "Every witch out there is hunting for you. Lucky for us, Nico stumbled upon you even before we began our search. And getting you all in here? Piece of cake."

"Anyway," Nico said, looking at Tripti. "We have done our part. The rest is up to you."

With that, Nico and the witch departed, locking the door behind them.

"What do you want?" Shaurya's voice held a dangerous edge.

Tripti narrowed her eyes on him. "I'm not talking to you," she spat, then turned to Sitara, her expression softening into a facade of kindness. But Sitara saw through it now.

"What's going on?" Sitara asked.

"Sitara," Tripti pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. "Let's go home."

"That's not my home," Sitara retorted, her anger simmering beneath the surface. They were trying to deceive her, to lead her into a trap.

"She needs you," Tripti insisted, her tone becoming more frantic. "She loves you. Don't abandon her. She has no one but you."

But Tripti's words only fueled Sitara's anger. How could they still believe she would fall for the witch's manipulation? The idea that they thought they could sway her with emotions enraged her.

"She loved me," Sitara said, her breath heavy with rage. "How can you say that after what she did? She's planning to kill me, Tripti. She is, and you know it too."

"It must be a misunderstanding, Sitara. You're not thinking clearly. Those nightmares, they're clouding your judgment," Tripti insisted.

"Stop it! You're calling me crazy!" Sitara yelled, her frustration boiling over. "And I'm not some naïve child you can easily manipulate."

"The wolf king and this boy are deceiving you," Tripti accused, her gaze turning towards the wolf and Vihaan. "They're your grandmother's enemy. They want her dead. They're using you because they know you're her only weakness."

"Don't even try to emotionally manipulate me," Sitara shot back. "And I won't give her my blood. I've heard enough. She is a murderer."

"That's not true," Tripti insisted.

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