Chapter - Twenty Six

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The bar loomed ahead, its exterior showing signs of wear and tear, with the paint on the walls fading and peeling away. The building appeared to tilt slightly to one side as if burdened by the weight of its long history. Even from afar, the distinct smell of alcohol and cigarettes filled the air, intermingling with the faint melodies of music that could be heard emanating from inside. Men who had had a few too many drinks lingered outside, their loud and rowdy laughter blending with the noise of the busy street.

     "What are we doing here?" Sitara asked, her brows furrowed in confusion. "My grandma is a dayan, but she never drinks."

      Vihaan smirked. "We'll find a lead to the witch here," he replied, glancing down at her hand. "And hide the gun. You can't go around holding it."

     Sitara hesitated before reluctantly tucking the gun into her pocket. Oddly enough, she felt a sense of security with it there.

      With Vihaan leading the way, they approached the bar. As they neared, all eyes turned toward them, causing Sitara to feel even more out of place. She half expected security to stop them at the door and ask for ID, but there was none to be seen.

      As they entered, the overwhelming smell of alcohol assaulted Sitara's senses. The noise was deafening, with drunken people yelling at the top of their lungs. Two women were dancing on the floor, moving to the blaring music.

Amidst the chaos, those who weren't too drunk stared at Sitara and her friends as they made their way to the counter.

Approaching the bar, they were greeted by a bartender in a white shirt, sporting an eyepatch and fake rotten teeth. "Hello there," he greeted them with a grin. "Seems like you're up for an adventure. What can I get for you?"

Vihaan ordered three light drinks, and the bartender quickly got to work preparing their order.

"We don't want to get drunk," Sitara declined as Vihaan handed her a glass. "I don't drink."

"But just hold the glass or it could look suspicious," he insisted.

As Vihaan pretended to sip from his drink, his eyes scanned the crowded bar. After a few minutes, he approached the bartender again.

"Hey buddy," Vihaan began, though the bartender was much older than him.

"Yes," the man replied, seeming impressed by Vihaan's confident demeanor.

"You know people who trade... you know," Vihaan said, leaning in slightly.

"What?" the bartender asked, leaning closer to hear him over the noise of the bar.

"Items," Vihaan said. He held the amulet he was holding and showed him. "You know, special items." Lastly, he added. "Magic."

"I don't know what you're saying." The bartender looked confused at first, then his eyes lit up with understanding. He leaned in closer and whispered, "Are you looking for some drugs? I can arrange that."

"I'm not talking about drugs," Vihaan clarified, lowering his voice. "I mean magical items."

The bartender scratched his head, trying to understand. "Oh, like a special kind of drug?"

Suddenly, a boy around Vihaan's age appeared, his tall, slender frame adorned with striking tattoos and lip rings. He had the cool vibe of a rockstar. Sitara hadn't even noticed him until he approached.

"Hey, someone's looking for you," he said, gesturing to a corner of the bar. "Better go see what's up over there," he added, waving off the bartender.

He scrutinized Vihaan from head to toe. "You mentioned something about trading." His gaze was fixated on Vihaan's amulet. "Magic."

Vihaan smirked confidently. "Have I found the right person?"

"You're about to meet them," the man replied cryptically. "What do you have?"

Vihaan reached into his pocket and produced a vial. He glanced around cautiously before speaking. "Mermaid tears."

The boy's eyes widened with intrigue, a grin spreading across his face.

"And also," Vihaan continued, "I've got fairy wings and things you couldn't even imagine."

The boy's excitement was palpable.

"I've heard there's a witch around here who's quite skilled and offers fair prices for items," Vihaan mentioned.

"She'll give you a fair price if your items are authentic," the boy added.

"They are," Vihaan asserted confidently.

"Deal," the boy agreed with a nod. "I'm Nico, by the way."

"Vihaan," Vihaan introduced himself, offering his hand, which Nico shook.

Nico then turned his gaze to Sitara and Shaurya, studying them intently. "Are they with you?" he asked.

"Yeah," Vihaan confirmed with a nod.

He nodded. "Follow me,"

Nico guided them out of the bar and into a dimly lit alley, with the others following closely behind. The alleyway twisted and turned, but Nico continued to talk excitedly about the profitable opportunities and great prices they could get for their items. Vihaan calmly answered his inquiries, ensuring the conversation remained engaging.

Sitara let out a sigh of relief as they exited the dark alleyway and stepped onto a quieter street at the edge of town.

They approached a house, and Nico rapped on the door.

"Who?" a shrill voice emanated from inside.

"Nico," the boy replied. "Brought you a gift. Mermaid tears and fairy dust."

The door creaked open.

"Come in," Nico invited them, gesturing for them to enter.


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