Chapter Sixteen

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     "I really hope you like it!" Manya said, as she swung open the door and guided Sitara into a spacious room.

This room was even larger than the room Grandma had given Sitara. The walls were painted in a soft pastel hue, with only a king-size bed and a study desk occupying the space. A large window offered a view of the bustling city, the bridge, and the majestic wolf tower in the distance.

Living in a castle would usually be super cool, but Sitara couldn't stop worrying about what was to happen next. Everything had changed so rapidly in just one night, leaving her feeling uncertain and apprehensive.

The sudden wave of homesickness engulfed Sitara, making her yearn for her cramped room and her mom and dad. The thought of never seeing them again weighed heavily on her heart, causing tears to stream down her face.

"Are you okay?" Manya gently asked.

Sitara couldn't hold back her tears, nor did she want to. She didn't care if the beautiful stranger saw her crying.

Collapsing onto the bed, Sitara clutched her face. "I just miss home."

Manya sat beside her and placed a comforting hand on her arm. "It's all right. Sometimes we face things we don't know we have to."

"I wish my grandma wasn't a dayan," Sitara said. "I love her so much."

"You'll always cherish her," Manya said. "You'll remember the loving side of your grandmother, the part that cared for you and made you feel safe."

"I sometimes feel like I'm in a dream," Sitara admitted. "Part of me still can't wrap my head around the fact that Grandma is a dayan, and she wants to hurt me."

"She's a master at hiding her true nature behind a facade of kindness," Manya said solemnly.

"Vihaan mentioned you were one of her victims," Sitara said.

Manya nodded. "I lived with her for three months."

Sitara, taken aback, exclaimed, "You lived with her?"

"Yes, as her servant," Manya explained, brushing aside her silver hair. "I'm an orphan. After my parents passed away, I had to live with my aunt, who never really wanted me. She only kept me around because I inherited a house from my parents. Then, when I turned eighteen, she took my home and sold me to your grandmother. Strangely, I didn't feel too sad about it at first. Your grandmother promised to send me to school and take care of everything. She treated me with such kindness and affection, making me feel like part of the family rather than just a servant. For once, I was truly happy. But then..."

"Then what?" Sitara asked, even though she knew the answer.

"Then she was doing a ritual. She told me she needed my blood for something. I was in a state that I was willing to do anything for her." She took a deep breath. "I was about to cut myself when the wolves came. They fought with the witch and brought me to Amrit Nagri. I was still fighting and then after two or three days, the fog in my mind lifted and made me see things clearly. When I learned about the witch's true intention, I was heartbroken." Manya was crying after she finished her story.

Thinking about it, Sitara realized that Manya had it even harder. She didn't have anyone to rely on. At least Sitara had her parents who truly cared for her.

"So, you've been living here ever since?" Sitara inquired.

"I didn't want to go back to my aunt," Manya explained. "This place feels like home to me now."

Sitara hesitated, unsure whether to ask the next question. But she sensed that Manya would understand. "Are the people okay?" she finally asked. "You know...what I mean?"

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