Chapter Thirteen

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The moment the wolf king sealed the door and advanced towards them, Sitara instantly knew why Grandma wanted him.

He was one of the most handsome men Sitara had ever seen. He had the facial features the fashion industry would die for. With his long, silky hair flowing down to his neck, he looked absolutely stunning. Standing at a towering height of over six feet, his strong, muscular body resembled that of a professional bodybuilder. And to top it all off, his captivating charm was enhanced by his piercing, light blue eyes.

He wore a simple green button-down shirt and faded jeans, yet he managed to look royal. Sitara could almost imagine him in an elegant suit with a big crown on his head and holding a sword.

Sitara was surprised to find that the wolf king was actually younger than she had anticipated. However, despite his youth, he possessed a majestic aura that couldn't be ignored. He reminded Ell not of a wolf, but of a lion.

Sitara leaned in close to Vihaan and quietly asked, "Should I bow to him?"

The Wolf king approached them and greeted Sitara with a traditional namaste gesture. "Welcome to Amrit Nagri, Sitara," he said. "I'm Shaurya, the wolf leader."

Sitara clasped her hands together in a respectful namaste gesture. She instantly liked his personality. She appreciated his humble introduction as a leader rather than boasting about being a king. If she were a queen, she would have made sure everyone she encountered was aware of her status.

"I hope you didn't have any trouble on your journey." He smiled, which made him look even more handsome.

"It was a smooth ride," Sitara said.

He chuckled. "I do not doubt that." He motioned for them to take a seat.

At that time, a maid entered the room carrying a teapot. She set it down on the table. As she began to pour the tea into the cups, the wolf king interrupted her and asked her to leave.

"I can imagine it must have been quite challenging to retrieve Sitara from the dayan's house," he said. Then he filled three cups with tea and gave one to Vihaan and another to Sitara. "But you did it. You never failed in a rescue mission."

"Well, it was not as bad as I thought," Vihaan said. "Sitara mostly saved herself. I found her while she was escaping the dayan's house."

Shaurya looked surprised. "I thought it would be hard to convince her. After all, the dayan is her grandmother."

"After what I saw, it was easy," Sitara said. The image of her grandma plotting to drink her blood flashed before her eyes. She hated that selfish woman.

Shaurya raised an eyebrow at Vihaan. "I don't get it."

"Sitara overheard the dayan plotting to kill her," Vihaan explained.

"Then it must be even harder," he said, and he looked genuinely sorry.

"Oh well," Vihaan said. "Bhuvan was forcing to get Sitara back into the house."

Shaurya's face filled with anger as soon as Bhuvan's name was mentioned. "Once I catch him, he won't escape. I have a really painful punishment in mind for him."

"I think Neer had taken that pleasure from you," Vihaan said. "He killed Bhuvan."

Shaurya's expression turned to one of astonishment. "He killed him."

"Bhuvan is probably dead and we have Sitara," Vihaan said. "The dayan must be furious. She won't stay quiet. We should expect an attack anytime."

Shaurya shook his head. "She's weak now. She won't dare to make the mistake of attacking us."

"Still, we should tighten the security," Vihaan suggested.

"Absolutely," Shaurya agreed.

"Wait a second," Sitara said, worried. "You guys have armies or something. Are you declaring war?" Sitara hated war. Medieval or modern, both. And she never wanted to be the cause of one.

"Yes, we have an army," Shaurya proudly declared. "Our army is incredibly unique, filled with a variety of magical beings, all coming together to battle against the dayan," he described. "But don't worry, it won't be a typical war, not like what you're picturing."

"Sitara," Vihaan said. "There are other ways to attack than with an army. And trust me, the other ways are more dangerous."

Sitara trembled with fear. She wasn't even safe here. What if Grandma tried to get her?

"We have to plan our next move very carefully," Shaurya said. "I'm sure the dayan would play her dirty game of getting Sitara. She probably knows about the prophecy."

"Prophecy?" Sitara turned to Vihaan, her eyes searching for answers. "Do you know anything about this prophecy?"

"Take some rest and we will talk about it later," Vihaan said.

"No, I want to know it now," Sitara placed the cup of tea and stood up.

Vihaan looked at the wolf king. "What do you think?"

"We should tell her." The wolf king rose from his seat. "Please come with me." As they exited the room, he guided them toward a grand staircase that stretched out before them.

Sitara's heart was heavy with fear. She felt as if something bad was going to happen. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know about the prophecy. As far as she knew, the prophecies were never good about the hero.


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