Chapter - Twenty-Seven

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The living room was cozy and inviting, with a small sofa positioned neatly against one wall and a coffee table in the center adorned with a few newspapers. On the opposite side of the room, an enormous clock hung on the wall, its hands ticking away steadily. Above the sofa hung a striking painting of a majestic peacock, its vibrant feathers captured in stunning detail. A radio sat atop a nearby cabinet, softly playing nostalgic tunes. In one corner, a vase of freshly cut roses added a touch of elegance to the space. From where Sitara stood, she could catch a glimpse of the adjoining kitchen, its warm glow inviting.

      As they waited, Sitara couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that lingered in the air. "No one would ever doubt that an evil witch lives here," she whispered to Shaurya, her voice barely above a murmur.

      Shaurya nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the surroundings cautiously. "They're masters at hiding their true nature," he replied quietly.

      Sitara nodded solemnly, reflecting on her own experiences living with a dayan for several years without ever suspecting her true nature.

       Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching, prompting them to quickly take their seats. Sitara couldn't help but imagine the horrors that might be unfolding in the next room, where innocent creatures were likely being held captive by the witch.

The woman stepped out of the house wearing a simple saree, nothing fancy. She looked like any other woman you'd see around. But there was something off about her. Even though she seemed normal, there was this weird feeling she gave off, like something wasn't quite right. As she came closer, her eyes had this strange glint to them, like she was up to something.

"So, you brought me fairy wings," she said, her voice dripping with satisfaction.

Vihaan rose from his seat to greet her. "Yes, and mermaid tears," he replied confidently.

The woman smirked, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Very well."

As Vihaan held out the small glass bottle, the woman's gaze turned greedy. But just as she reached for it, Vihaan pulled it back.

"It can be yours if you do me a favor," Vihaan declared.

The woman crossed her arms, a hint of curiosity in her expression. "How much money do you want?"

Vihaan shook his head. "I don't want money. I want something else."

"What is it?" she asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

"Where is Netra?" Vihaan asked bluntly.

Her expression fell. "I don't know her."

She turned to leave, but in a flash, Shaurya stood in front of her.

"Where is she?" Shaurya demanded firmly.

"Hey, I know you're concerned about her," Sitara chimed in, her voice gentle but firm. "But we're not going to harm her. We just want to ask her something important."

The woman glanced at Sitara, her expression hard. "But I don't know anything about her," she insisted.

Shaurya's eyes flashed dangerously, a hint of yellow glowing in his gaze. "I can smell her here," he growled. "Like Sitara said, we're not here to hurt anyone. But if you don't tell us, we might have to resort to other means."

"It's urgent," Sitara added. "Please, just tell us."

"I don't know her," the witch said firmly. "But I know someone who will be happy to see you," she added, a small smile playing on her lips.

As she spoke, the door burst open, startling everyone inside the house. Sitara's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the newcomer, someone she had hoped to avoid at all costs.


Sitara and The DayanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora