Chapter Eighteen

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"Please, no!" Sitara's desperate cry echoed through the air as she desperately reached out for her parents. However, in an instant, the dead forest vanished before her eyes, and she was abruptly transported into a dimly lit room.

Sweat soaked her body as she struggled to free herself from the tangled blanket. Her pounding in her chest. The room was eerily quiet, except for the sound of her heavy breathing.

Her parents. The knives. And blood!

The image of her parents with knives in their hands haunted Sitara's thoughts. She could not shake the dread that filled her stomach as she imagined them piercing their hearts, staining the stone circle with their blood. The disturbing scene replayed in her mind like a looped video.

Her head felt heavy, still clouded from the nightmare, though she could not be certain if it truly was just a dream. The memory felt too vivid, too real to dismiss as mere imagination.

"Return," echoed the voice of the witch inside her head, sending a chill down Sitara's spine.

"No no no," Sitara shook her head frantically. "I can't let her hurt my parents."

Without any second thoughts, she sprang out of bed, flung the door open, and bolted out of the room.

Manya, who was emerging from her room, halted at the sight of Sitara's frantic state. Her smile vanished as she observed Sitara's distress. "Are you all right, Sitara?" she asked, but Sitara was already racing away.

Bounding down the spiral staircase, Sitara took two or three steps at a time. Suddenly, her foot slipped, causing her to lose her balance. With a cry, she reached out to grasp something to steady herself. She seized the vase, but instead of stabilizing, she tumbled down the remaining stairs, bringing the vase crashing down with her.

Her whole body was struck by a sharp pain as she finally landed on the floor. Yet she pushed it aside and forced herself to stand up. She had to reach her grandmother before she did something to her parents.

"Sitara!" Manya screamed, running behind her. "Someone helps. Sitara fell."

The whole castle seemed to wake up.

"Sitara, what happened?" Vihaan called out to Sitara as he emerged from within a room, rushing towards her. He grabbed her hand, forcing her to stop running. "You are bleeding."

"Vihaan," Sitara pleaded urgently, her voice quivering with fear. "Please, you must take me to grandma. Now."

Vihaan's brow furrowed in confusion. "What's going on, Sitara?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice.

"She's got my parents," Sitara explained, her words tumbling out in a rush. "She is going to hurt them. We have to stop her, please!"

"Sitara," Vihaan replied, his tone calm but firm. "She can't harm them."

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