Chapter - Twenty Nine

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"Vihaan." Sitara's heart pounded as she knelt beside his motionless form, her hands trembling as she reached out to shake him. The sight of his body, riddled with small bite marks, sent a shiver down her spine.

"Vihaan," she yelled again. She grasped his shoulder, her fingers digging into his flesh, willing him to wake up. But he remained still, his breathing shallow and labored.

Shaurya crouched down next to Vihaan. His forehead creased with worry as he checked Vihaan's state. "He's unconscious," he said.

Sitara's eyes darted back and forth between Vihaan's face and the lush greenery that surrounded them. She was overwhelmed by fear and doubt as she struggled to comprehend the seriousness of their situation. The jungle, once vibrant with life, now seemed like a suffocating trap, closing in on them from every direction.

"What happened to him?" she murmured. Just one bite from a cobra could be fatal, and Vihaan had been bitten by countless snakes.

"It's the snakes," he replied.

"We need to do something," she said. "We can't just sit here and wait for him to..." Her words trailed off. "He's dying."

"No, he is not," Shaurya stated firmly. "We know all about the Dayan's servants and the snake lady as well. We have been taking anti-venom, prepared by Mother and our best people in the castle. The snake venom can't affect us."

His assurance should have eased her fears, but as she glanced back at Vihaan, who was turning blue now, a knot tightened in her stomach.

"If the venom can't harm him, then what happened to him?" she asked.

"A lot of venom had been injected into his body. That's why he is unconscious. I think he needs another dose of the antivenom." Shaurya explained.

"Let's go back to the castle then," Sitara said. "We'll find the dagger again."

"No need to go back to the castle," he stated. "I have everything here."

Shaurya lifted Vihaan's limp form and wrapped a protective arm around him. Sitara followed him silently as they made their way to the waiting carriage.

"So Tripti is not Medusa?" she asked.

"She's nothing like that. She's a witch who can control snakes. They are her poisonous children." Shaurya replied.

"So, witches could control all animals?" she asked.

"Not all animals, but one or two," Shaurya replied. "Tripti, for example, had a strong bond with snakes, and they obeyed her every command."

As Shaurya helped Vihaan into the carriage, gently laying him on the seat, Sitara couldn't help but think about the complexity of the magical world they inhabited. With each revelation, she realized just how much there was still to learn, and how dangerous their enemies could be.

"Sitara, go to the back of the carriage," he instructed. "Find a door and open it."

Sitara followed his orders, stepping cautiously through the night. She spotted a small handle catching a hint of light. Pulling it firmly, the door swung open, revealing a hidden compartment. Crouching down, she peered inside.

Her breath caught in her throat as she took in the contents. The space was filled with an array of weapons and vials of medicine, their surfaces shimmering in the moon's gentle glow.

"Get me the green potion and the injections," Shaurya's voice called out from the carriage's seat.

Sitara found what Shaurya was looking for and carefully retrieved the items before shutting the door and returning to Shaurya's side.

"Did you know Tripti would attack us?" she asked as she handed him the supplies.

"Being ready all the time is crucial. You never know when someone might attack you in our world," Shaurya replied calmly.

Shaurya was about to give Vihaan the injection when Sitara interrupted him. "Shaurya," she said, her voice tinged with worry. "Do you have any knowledge about giving injections? Have you received any training for this? Can you locate the veins? Vihaan's a human."

Shaurya's expression remained composed as he assured her, "I've had the training." With a steady hand, he lifted the injection, a few drops falling from the needle as he readied to give it. "Do you want proof of my credentials before I inject him, or can I go ahead?"

Sitara stayed quiet as Shaurya went on, carefully rolling up Vihaan's sleeve to reveal his arm. With practiced ease, Shaurya prepared the injection site, and Vihaan barely flinched as the needle went in. He let out a soft gasp before drifting back to sleep.

"He'll be fine soon," Shaurya reassured. "It will take a maximum of five minutes to see results, and if not, we'll give him another injection."

Sitara watched Vihaan anxiously, her doubts lingering despite Shaurya's assurances. Glancing at her phone, she felt her heart race with each passing second. Then, after only three minutes, Vihaan groaned and sat up, confirming that the treatment was working.

Shaurya smiled with satisfaction. "It's the quickest, just three minutes."

Relief flooded over Sitara as she wrapped her arms around Vihaan, pulling him into a tight embrace. "Oh, thank god you're okay," she murmured, her voice trembling with emotion.

Vihaan nodded slowly, his hand pressed against his temple, his fingers lightly tracing the throbbing pulse beneath his skin. "My head's pounding," he murmured.

"It will," Shaurya said with a reassuring nod. "Water will help."

Sitara grabbed a water bottle, opened it, and offered it to Vihaan.

"My grandma knew about the dagger. Tripti told me we will never get it," Sitara said, worry evident in her voice.

Vihaan, though weak, sounded concerned. "That's not good."

"But how did she know?" Sitara asked, her brows furrowing with worry.

"Sitara, she's a witch," Shaurya interjected, his voice calm yet authoritative. "She has ways of knowing. She has many sources."

Sitara's nerves intensified as she considered this. "Did she get the dagger?"

"Only Mr. Vikranth's girlfriend knows. And she's in danger," Shaurya revealed, his tone grave. "We have to inform my lovesick friend. We need his help to find her and the dagger."

Just then, Sitara's phone rang, breaking through the tense atmosphere with its insistent ringing.

"It's an unknown number," she said.


Sitara and The DayanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora