Day 1: Toying with gods

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After the job offer that Fazbear Entertainment gave them, Ant calls Dan and tells him that he  will might accept the position as a security guard. Dan after some thought decides to get the job as well. They meet at the factory, where they get introduced with  a quirky foreman, who shows them around the place. 

Foreman: Hello boys! Welcome to our factory.

Ant: Nice to meet you dude.

Foreman: So, if I recall correctly your names must be Antony and Daniel right?

Dan: Yup, you got that right. So this is Fazbear's factory huh? 

Foreman: This is indeed Fazbear's factory.

Ant: Wow, Dan look, there are posters from the pizza place we previously worked. And this place looks more high class than our previous one.

Dan: Are you sure? I see rust everywhere.

Foreman: Well it's more like a work... grind, it's a better word than rust.

Ant: So, who are you?

Foreman: Well, I am the manager of this place, than means that you guys listen to me and everything is gonna be alright.

As they talk something catches Ant's eye. It's a safety sign poster.

Ant: "This department has worked 0 days without a lost time incident". What's this?

Foreman: Well that's the thing, we recently had an incident yesterday, and it was the first one since 1983, which was the main incident. But you guys have nothing to be worried about at all.

As they continue the tour, they observe that the specific animatronics in the construction of this factory are actually toy versions of the original animatronics. They also see a new animatronic model: Vinnie the cowboy, made exclusively in this factory. They also find out that the two of them will be working at the same time in different offices located on different sides of the factory: red and blue. Later they will head to the Research and Development  room (or R&D). The Foreman explains that no one in the factory is allowed in there, unless they hear a special alarm. 

Dan: What's in this R&D room?

Ant: Yeah, what's going on in that? We should know about this.

Foreman: That's just one area you're unauthorized. And since you're on a need to know basis, let me tell you, you don't need to know about this. So don't enter unless there is an alarm going on.

Dan: Okay, it's the alarm a good or a bad thing?

Foreman: Well, depends on how you look at it. It's mostly a bad thing. But you have a camera looking directly to this room. So if you hear something, you report that to me immediately.

As the Foreman ends the tour, he tells Dan and Ant that they will be actually living in the factory in an upstairs studio apartment, to be available 24 hours a day, which naturally surprises them at first but they quickly accept. He then leaves them to rest and prepare for their night duties that begin at 12AM... Ant and Dan are resting at their apartment watching a TV show.

Dan: I don't know how I feel about this, like, those animatronics don't seem like they're possessed this time. I guess if you could possess every single animatronic in this factory everyone here would die by now.

Ant: Yeah, maybe there was something wrong with the previous location. Remember that Renaldo may had screwed with them. I mean that's kinda of the reason we're here. This is the easy life dude. We are paid more to manage an even bigger place.

Dan: Yet the pay is 10 dollars more that the minimum wage... Dude to be fair I don't even care about money, this place has TV AND Netflix. HELL YEAH!

(After 2 hours)

Dan: Alright I'm gonna go to bed cause we need to wake up at 10pm.

Ant: Alright, goodnight man.

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