Night 6: Backstory time

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After leaving the fun park, Dan walks on the sidewalk trying to find some aspect of human life. He finds an old abandoned house and he enters, searching for a phone to finally contact the police. Unfortunately, all he finds in there is rust and a few blood stains on the floor.

 Realizing that this house has nothing helpful he walks out, when he suddenly hears a voice from behind him...

The voice belongs to Michael. Michael Afton...

Michael: Feels real huh?

Dan: What the heck...?

Michael: This house... the ground... the park... None of this actually exists.

Dan: What are you talking about?

Michael: You're trapped inside your own head. Seeing the things he wanted you to see. Thinking the things he wants you to think...

Dan: Things he wants me to think? What??

Michael: Oh, according my manners, I should probably start from the top. My name is Michael Afton.

Dan: Afton? Like Mr. Afton's...

Michael: Yeah that's right. I'm his son. His actual one anyway.

Dan: You're his son? I don't understand!

Michael: Well, to be fair you're not supposed to. You stumbled into something no one was supposed to find out about. You actually witnessed him in the act.

Dan: In the act? What do you mean?

Michael: The man who killed Billy at your birthday party was my father.


Michael: I'm here to help you. Now, you can either sit there and listen, or let my father kill you just like he killed your friend...

Dan: But, you said this place isn't real. Wouldn't Ant be still alive?

Michael: Trust me, the danger you're in is very real indeed.

Michael explains to Dan the tragic and hereditary backstory of his family. Michael's father had always been a gifted roboticist, and even though he loved his family, he was a little too much of a workaholic. He stayed in his garage for hours daily, creating his latest animatronic models. So it was up to Michael to take care of his little sister, Emilia. She was lovely creature, unconditionally loved by her family, until one day...

When Michael was at school, his sister got hit by a car while she was outside playing. Obviously both him and his father were devastated. Michael learned to cope with it eventually, but his father never did. After her funeral, he never left his garage, even when Michael turned 18 and moved out. He was slowly losing his mind, becoming even more obsessed with animatronic tinkering...

After Dan's hearing this he feels even more confused but also a little empathetic.

Dan: I'm sorry about your sister dude...

Michael: Yeah it sucked... But I got over it, father on the other hand did not. A couple of years pass and I get a phone call from him. He tells me that he somehow saved my sister though she's in trouble, but then I need to head back home to rescue her. That's all I remember... I must have died soon after...

Dan: I'm really sorry. I feel bad for you, but what am I supposed to do now? You told me all this stuff but I don't see how this will help me out.

Michael: I'm giving you everything you need. You just need to put the pieces together. The rest falls on you...

Dan: What? No, no, no come back!

 Dan returns confused to the fun park, thinking of Michael's words, where he finds William. (his colleague from Night 1)

William: Dan? Dan, thanks goodness you're alright! I was really worried!

Dan: William?? What are you doing here? Where have you been? We sent you home for the past couple of days and I haven't heard of you since.

William: Well, Ant called just a little bit ago and said something was going on at the park, so I rushed over to make sure you're alright.

Dan: Yeah something's REALLY going on at the park and... Wait ANT called you??

William: Yeah, where is he by the way?

Dan: When did he call you???

William: Oh, just a little bit ago. Why don't you come inside and we can wait for the police to arrive?

Dan: Wait, you actually got through to the police??

William: Yeah, to make sure that everything is safe.

Dan: Okay, hold on. Something's not right here. We tried calling the police plenty of times and the phone lines haven't been working... Wait a second...

At that moment Dan has smelled a rat... He points out that he has literally seen only three people in this amusement park: Ant, William and himself. He remembers Michael's words about being trapped inside his own mind. He now thinks that in a not real world, it would be very easy for someone to fake a dead body... Any other time, Dan would have fallen for this trap, but not this time! Not now that he knows exactly what's going on...

 He now knows very well that behind all of this is Renaldo, who finally reveals himself!!!

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