Night 3: In a bloody mess

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Dan is brutally beaten by the Foxy animatronic, with claw marks tearing off his shirt and skin.

He wakes up covered in blood and filled with open wounds, as he tries to call out to the phone guy, with no results.

"Oh...I don't feel good... " he says with a weak, barely heard voice.

As he looks through his pockets, he notices that this animatronic was smart enough to steal his phone and his flashlight.

"That freaking thing mugged me!" he monologues.

Being literally on the verge of death, he finds a door named: "Yellow Division". 

He tries to go to the other side, where he finds another door labeled "Medical Wing". 

"Medical Wing? That could help I could patch myself up!" he thinks.

Dan notices that the door is locked and enters through the vents. Entering, he sees the security puppet.

He proceeds to the Yellow Division and finds a large room filled with beds, syringes and defibrillators. He sees a withered Freddy animatronic, who begins to follow him...

Dan, unable to run in his condition, hides in a bathroom and waits quietly for Freddy to walk away.

He walks into the next room and finds another tape recorder marked as "Ryan's log."

Playing the tape, Dan hears a conversation between a doctor and a guy named Ryan, that has the same voice with that phone guy...

Doctor: Ryan I can't keep prescribing you sleeping medication. You know that!

Ryan: I can't help it doctor! Whenever I close my eyes... I just see her! And the blood...

Doctor: Don't you think you might feel better if you confess to someone besides me?

Ryan: Maybe... Uh... I can't think of this right now! I just want to sleep...

Doctor: I'll prescribe you some melatonin supplements. But make sure that you actually report the incident, after you're well rested.

Ryan: Thanks doc!

Dan doesn't seem to pay much attention to the tape's information and quickly gets distracted from a flashlight that he finds. 

Dan finds a couple of painkillers and vitamins in a chest, and he takes them without further thought. (A/N: MIRACLE DRUGS? HELL YEAH:)

"Ah... I feel so much better..." he says relieved.

He exits the room and he returns to the room where he started, but then...

He finds that the security puppet is moving. He quickly tries to get out of the room but the security puppet rushes at him!!

The security puppet is watching over Dan's unconscious bloody body, while at the other side of the factory, Dan's phone is ringing...

From the phone, Ryan's voice emits...

" YOU'VE GOT TO STOP THIS!! Do you even remember who you are anymore??" he nervously says.

He mentions the name Veronica, before a withered Foxy animatronic hangs up the phone and lets out a haunting, distorted childish laugh...

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