Night 4: Trying to backup

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Dan is unconscious, above the room where he nearly got torn apart by that Foxy animatronic. The security puppet has bandaged Dan's wounds from the attack.

"What the heck?? How did I get up here??" he says confused.

As Dan awakes, he realizes that the puppet actually helped him. He finds a chest that has a mysterious book in it. 

He opens it and finds a cryptic note that says: "She can only find you once sense at a time. Be careful and make it out of the Yellow Sector. She's watching. She's listening. Everything is her."

"That doesn't make any sense. I'm a part of everything and I'm not her." he points out to himself.

Dan comes out of the Yellow Sector and finds a room labeled: "Research and Development Foundry".

Getting in, he finds a Foxy that starts chasing him, but Dan manages to cross over to the other side.

He goes through the door and finds a corpse and at the end of the room he finds a shadow Bonnie looming down the hall. The animatronic lets out a very loud, distorted noise, something that triggers Dan to quickly hide in an old office room.

There he finds another strange tape cassette labeled as" Why?". 

As Dan lets it play he hears a male voice saying: 

"Why do they keep the hatches to the drainage ditches unlocked? This is the third time this week people from our factory walked through them. I'm surprised that they haven't broken anything important yet.

 I thought that after that incident with the girl, management would want to make things safe but..."

Dan realizes that apparently something happened to a little girl in this factory.

Trying to backup in the building, he heads up some stairs, where he finds yet another tape, in a room filled with blood stains.

This tape is labeled "Ducts" and as Dan lets it play, he hears a voice reporting something:

" So yeah, supposed to keep the ducts clear of entrails, whatever that means. This place is a factory, not a slaughterhouse...

I guess this is just a key to what happened to that girl a few months ago... We had to come and we had to decommission 5 animatronics to find out...well, I don't need to say it." 

Once again an incident to a little girl is mentioned, but Dan learns nothing about what exactly happened.

"Ugh, I wish I could call Ryan right now. He could easily tell me how to get out of here." Dan thinks.

Dan returns downstairs and as he proceeds, he finds an elevator. The elevator is locked, so he needs to find a key to open it.

After some searching he finds the key and when he heads back to the elevator, he finds that shadow Bonnie is patrolling it. He tries to come up with a plan to get away with him, but a strange puppet attacks him from behind!!

He rushes to the elevator and nervously presses the buttons, right before shadow Bonnie enters! Dan is finally transported back on the main floor of the factory... 

"Ah...looks like I made a backup" Dan claims.

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