Night 2: Renaldo is that you?

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After a whole afternoon searching for Renaldo, Dan and Ant  still have not found any traces in the building. At midnight they return tired to their offices. 

(At 12AM)

Dan: Dude, I'm so tired. I have no idea how we'll make it through this nightshift.

Ant: Me too man, we've been looking for Renaldo all day long.

Dan: I mean, he really seems that he is able to evade the cameras while we're looking at them. This guy is immune to being captured.

Ant: I can't believe though, Renaldo turned off the safety switch on Foxy. Why would they even built a safety switch that can be turned off?

Dan: I mean this is the first thing on the instructions when you start working on animatronics.

Ant: Yeah, but I'm amazed that Renaldo even found a way to turn these things off. And what's to say that he didn't affect all of these guys? I don't know if we are safe tonight dude...

 Despite Renaldo's appearance earlier in the day, the animatronics don't look threatening just like the night before. However, Ant is dealing with some technical issues...

Ant: Dan, are your cameras working?

Dan: Yes, why?

Ant: Cause my cameras are not working.

Dan: What??

Ant: Oh my god! I have to go to the main room. Remember how the foreman said there's a kill switch for the cameras? Something tells me that one of the animatronics turned it off. I have to go and reset it.

Dan: Okay, I can keep an eye on you in the cameras.

Ant's camera system is malfunctioning  and he is forced out of his office to reset it. But as he heads back he drains all the battery in his flashlight and he will spend the rest of the night in the dark!

Dan: Dude, Vinnie is right outside the R&D room! 

Ant: Oh, no! My flashlight battery is dead. Dude, I would go check that out but I can't leave my room! Bonnie's right outside my door!

Ant is having a rough night with Dan helping him by watching over the cameras when the clock turns to 6AM...

Ant: YESSSS! Oh my god dude! Finally!

Dan: I'm coming to your office, are you ok? You sound like you're having PTSD or something.

Ant: My flashlight died, and they were on my door! 

Despite some technical stuff, the two heroes finish their shift without any particular problems. They go to their apartment confused and shocked by today's happenings...

Ant: Well, what do we do from this point Dan? After today's murder?

Dan: I mean, I guess we keep doing our job. Yeah the guy died, but we got to figure out what Ronaldo did.

Ant: You know what freaks me out the most dude? The police never showed up!

Dan: Oh, snap! That is true! Maybe it's the weather, I mean look at outside, it's raining cats and dogs...

Ant: Oh, wow it's daytime and the sky is still pitch black! Okay, we should probably rest or something.

Dan: Duh, I haven't slept in a day and a half now. We'll figure this out tomorrow.

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