Night 5: All of this caused by an accident

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After getting out of the elevator, Dan finally returns to the main floor of the factory. However, he notices that something is wrong...

The entire place has changed, while he was in the depths of the facility and who knows for how many days or months he was there.

"Well, I've made it back here but... something doesn't seem right" Dan thinks to himself. "What happened while I was out?? HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN OUT??!" he says panicked.

Meanwhile, in the security room of the factory a mangled Freddy animatronic is quietly sitting with his face down, when he is startled by a motion detector alarm. 

The withered Freddy sees on the monitors Dan getting out of the elevator and walking at the main floor.

While walking to the main floor, Dan suddenly hears Ryan calling out to him in the darkness.

Ryan: Dan? Is that you??


Ryan: I'm over here.

Dan: And where exactly is here?

Following the sound of Ryan's voice, Dan climbs up a staircase and finds his way to the monitor room. On the other side he hears Ryan explaining this whole situation to him...

Dan: Hello?? Is anyone there???

Ryan: Veronica trapped me in here.

Dan: Phone guy?

Ryan: You need to look around for a crowbar. There should be one, over the display stage.

Dan: Yeah, I'll get you out of there buddy! Don't worry.

Dan goes off and finds that crowbar and distracts the animatronics away to safely get back to Ryan. 

"Okay dude, I got this crowbar. Stay away from the door, I'm gonna beat down the barricade." Dan says to Ryan.

He breaks the barricade and before he opens the door, Ryan warns him to try not to be too surprised when he enters...

Dan gets into the monitor room where he finds a towering animatronic filled with dead and rotten organs that belong to Ryan!


Ryan: Hey Dan. I'm hideous, aren't I? I guess you could call this Karma...

Dan: What happened to you dude?

Ryan: Veronica. She did this to me. A long time ago.

Dan: This is horrible, holy crap!

Ryan: Oh yeah, sorry about the smell. My original body bits are...all kinds of nasty at this point. Let me tell you how this all started. As you might have picked up from the tapes, there was an accident at this factory...

Ryan reveals to Dan the full story. A few months ago, his boss thought it would be a good idea to have a "bring you child at work day". On that day, one of the kids named Veronica, had ran off from the rest of the group and went to the hydraulic section. 

While Ryan was doing his job by compressing pieces of metal to form into animatronic parts, he suddenly heard a squeeze in the machine...

Veronica crawled on the conveyor belt and gotten... pulped! At that night she was reported missing  and after an intensive search, they found blood dripping off Ryan's press.

Dan: Dude... that's messed up...

Ryan: When she was crushed, she got mixed up with the animatronic parts. We think that's how she's able to control so many animatronics in the building: there's a piece of her inside of them. And now... she won't let anyone leave the factory. When I tried... look what happened to me.

Dan: So you mean ALL of this was just due to a workplace accident? That's crazy!! So how are we gonna get out of here?? She is a vengeful spirit that controls everything here, right?

Ryan believes that if they gather all the animatronics components Veronica is bound to, they might put an end to her and be able to escape.

To do that, they need to destroy the animatronics she has the strongest connection to. 

Ryan: This strange puppet that was following you around must be her eyes. When I was watching you on the security cameras, it was coordinated with the other animatronics. If that's true, shadow Bonnie might be her ears. Freddy is tricky. It seems the least aggressive to you. That sounds like it has some heart. Foxy will be the toughest. I don't know what it has, but it's safe to say that it's the most aggressive of them all...

Dan will have to stun the animatronics long enough to reach inside them and pull out the corrupted components. This is the only way for them to get out of here...

He gets out of the monitor room and starts beating up the shadow Bonnie animatronic with a crowbar. As soon as he does that, Foxy appears and starts chasing him!

Dan stumbles into a room where he finds a lever named "Reroute Foundry". He pulls it and finds that the water at the bottom of the drainage system turns into lava. Dan throws Veronica's components into the lava, something that infuriates Foxy, who hits him hard in the face!

Dan helplessly runs towards Ryan, who tames the sordid animatronic in which Veronica's brain was. Ryan and Dan throw all of Veronica's organs into the lava, sending them back to the forge they came from...

"Oof. We did it!" Dan exclaims.

"Why does it feel that something isn't right?" Ryan responds.

Upon saying this, a creepy shadow of Veronica's image emerges from the lava!!!

"What the heck? HOW IS SHE BACK DUDE??" Dan asks confused.

Ryan tells Dan to seal the pressure gauges to blow up the factory and then leave the place. 

"But what about you" Dan asks worried.

"Do not to worry about me Dan. It was a pleasure meeting you." Ryan says, determined to sacrifice himself in remorse for the bloody incident he accidentally caused.

Dan seals the gauges and sprints to the factory exit. However, once he reaches it, he finds that it is a dead end!! When he looks behind him, Veronica's shadow attacks him, as he lets out an agonizing scream!!! 

Dan screams and wakes up abruptly from his bed. His phone rings and as soon as he answers it he seems relieved to talk to the person who called him. 

He seems delighted to hear that the person on the phone is well enough to be led out of the hospital again. He walks out of his house saying he can't wait to see his friend Ant again...

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