Chapter 30

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"Rory, Logan, come in come in! It is so good to see you!" Emily Gilmore said beckoning her granddaughter into the house Wednesday morning. "I am so glad you could both make it. I hope it wasn't too much trouble for you to get the day off from work at the hospital, Logan."

"No, it wasn't any trouble at all. I wouldn't dare miss our first Thanksgiving together."

"Let me take your coats. Go on into the living room. Are you hungry? Can I get you a drink?"

"Is Mom here yet?" Rory asked as Logan helped her out of her coat, then handed it to Emily along with his own.

"She is.  She's in the living room with your grandfather. There are some delicious pastries in the kitchen if you would like something to eat."

"I'll just have a ginger ale if you have it. Or a club soda." Rory told her.

"What about you Logan? What can I get for you?"

"I'll have the same as Rory."

"Alright then, you two are nice and easy today! Richard, look who's here!"

"Rory, Logan, it is so great to see you!" Richard smiled as Rory and Logan entered the living room with Emily right behind them.

"Richard, do we have any ginger ale to drink?" Emily asked.

"No, I don't believe that we do. Do I need to go get some? I don't mind running out if need be."

"I've actually got some right here." Lorelai smiled pulling a large bottle out of her purse.

"You travel with ginger ale now?" Emily asked.

"I might have made a stop on the way here. I knew Rory has been drinking it a lot lately, and you normally don't keep it in the house."

"It's always good to be prepared." Richard commented, standing from his chair, and taking the bottle from Lorelai.

"I have two bottles here, and several more in the car if needed."

"Thanks Mom." Rory said taking a seat on the couch next to Lorelai.

"Rory, are you not feeling well? Ginger ale isn't normally your drink of choice. You didn't have to come all this way if you are feeling ill. You should have stayed home, in bed."

"No, I'm ok Grandma. I actually have some news to share with you guys."

"Is everything going well at work?"

"Everything is great!" Rory said tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Rory, what in the world did you do to your hand?!" Emily gasped noticing the brace on Rory's right hand.

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