Chapter 73

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"Gosh damn it Collin!" Logan said as his friend stepped off the helicopter in the Huntzberger's backyard an hour later.

"Did you like that Huntzberger? Did you like my broadsword?!"

"Holy shit, Bro! That was the greatest slaughter fest that I've seen in my entire life!"

"I thought you'd like that." Collin chuckled. "Where's Rory? I'm dying to hear her reaction!"

"She's actually at her Grandparents. Lorelai picked her up and took her over shortly after we finished. I told her that I would meet them there. I wanted to be here when you got back."

"Damn, so I won't get to talk to her until tomorrow."

"Why don't you come to dinner with us? I'll call Emily right now. I'm sure she wouldn't mind feeding two more."

"That's ok. Actually, I need to head back home so I can tuck Valerie into bed tonight. I promised Stephanie that I would be back in time."

"Let's do dinner tomorrow then."

"Yes, for sure!"

"I can't believe the amount of ass that you kicked today! I mean I know you are good, but holy shit! That was just epic, Collin! Rory and I were sitting there completely dumbfounded! That had to have been your greatest performance ever!"

"It was pretty good, wasn't it?"

"Collin, thank you! I am so proud to call you my best friend."

"It was my pleasure. We've still got a lot of work to do though. We have a lawsuit to win."

"Can I just ask how the hell you got a subpoena for the Internal Affairs office so quickly?"

"I called Daddy."

"Your Daddy isn't a judge, homie!"

"I didn't say that it was my Daddy."

"You called Stephanie's Dad? Really?!"

"I needed a favor, and he's always told me that I should call him if I need anything. I explained the situation, and he happens to like you. He met me at HPG and handed me the paperwork."

"God bless you, Collin!"

"You're welcome!"

"I'll send him a nice thank you."

"You definitely need to."

"Tell Stephanie to tell him thank you for me. I would offer to take him and his wife to dinner, but Rory isn't able to do anything until after the baby is born. But if they'd like to join us for dinner tomorrow, you are all welcome at the house. I'll have Mirabello's cater."

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